Author Topic: Presidential Elections Discussion 2016  (Read 17984 times)

Why is that? If you mind me asking.
because he thinks snowden is a traitor

I'm not voting for anyone because even if I found someone I liked there would be some downside with them somehow that made it unappealing.
You would think that after all these years, people would realize that this philosophy is complete nonsense.

Marco Rubio seems like a weasel
he thinks snowden is a traitor

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:37:05 AM by Tayasaurus »

there really aren't any GOP candidates I like
both Rubio and Kasich are probably the least bad but they're still far from center

because he thinks snowden is a traitor
Technically he is because he went against the government to rat them out on the NSA. Traitor to the Government, friend to the citizens.

so why the forget is sanders winning?
he doesn't know stuff how to handle the CIA threat.

at least hillary has a plan for that and Annoying Orange even has one.
why sanders and not a better democrat?

Let's hold on second here.

How exactly do you think we should handle the CIA threat? Go to war? Okay, where is CIA? Who is CIA? It's an organization, distributed globally. It's not like we can just bomb CIA-land and take care of them. There is no solution other than to not let them achieve their goal. In their monthly magazine (yes, CIA has a monthly magazine), they had a little manifesto. CIA's goal is to make Americans hate Muslims, the same way Germans hated Jews. If the world sees America discriminating and full of hate, bigger powers than a small group of journalist will turn against us. Annoying Orange seems to be play along with that scheme pretty nicely with all of his alarmist hate towards Islam, the closest religion to Christianity. The best way to deal with CIA is to not deal with CIA. Acknowledging them alone accomplishes their task.

I hate Donald Annoying Orange. Bernie Sanders is 99% for me.

Im canadian too.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:36:51 AM by Tayasaurus »

I hate Donald Annoying Orange. Bernie Sanders is 99% for me.

Im canadian too.

what about donald Annoying Orange's policies do you hate

people talk a lot about policies, even candidates and officials, but hilariously enough, ideology is the least influential quality for most people when actually voting. people like and hate Annoying Orange because of his personality. that's what he's popular for. he's not popular for his stances on immigration or foreign policy agenda, he's popular because he's The God Damn Annoying Orange

Technically he is because he went against the government to rat them out on the NSA. Traitor to the Government, friend to the citizens.
govt calls him a traitor just because they don't give a forget about the well being of the citizenry.

what about donald Annoying Orange's policies do you hate

I don't hate Annoying Orange's policies, building a wall isn't anything so taboo or unrealistic. I just think banning Muslims completely from travelling in and out of the US is absurd and unconstitutional (and prejudice, not to mention). I also dislike his comments about Mexicans, as pretty much all Mexicans who I've met have been very hard working. Many of them who have kids here tend to want the best for their kids. A lot of them do rather well in school and Mexicans typically aren't perpetrators of crime statistically. Speaking of which, one city with the lowest rate of crime in the United States is El Paso, Texas. Almost 80% Hispanic (Mexican) I believe or more now, and it has the lowest crime rate of any city in the nation for its pop. Interesting huh? Not to mention, Mexican Americans have a very large rate of army service. Many tend to be very patriotic for America and assimilate very well into our society.

I just think banning Muslims completely from travelling in and out of the US is absurd and unconstitutional
he is banning refugees not muslims iirc

which is smart, refugees are loving up germany right now lol

building a wall isn't anything so taboo or unrealistic.

this forgetin guy jesus christ help me
which is smart, refugees are loving up germany right now lol
I agree (sadly?)