I made a massive sugar cane farm in the field to the south of Buttville.
Using that I raised the 500,000.00 Bucks necessary to create a nation.
I welcome any and all to the nation of Twerkington.
Our capital is Buttville.
I have sent out invites to several other towns in case they wish to join.
I am not inducing taxes, and I noticed Buttville got 10 extra chunks of territory just for being in a nation.
So, yeah.
In other news, Desmonds is getting a guild hall, where we will plan our assault on The End.
I'll be making some iron armor kits w/shields, picks, a sword, a bow, and arrows. and a pumpkin.
So if you lose your stuff at some point, or just need a kit to help out in The End. That will be available.
I am uh- tentatively setting the date of assault for this weekend. Like- Saturday or Friday. I'll need some input on who will be available at what time. So we can all kinda go as a party.
I ask that you refrain from entering the portal until then.