


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 788130 times)

nuuu i missed the whole first season
just do 10 games quickly and you should get the end of season rewards

The thing is with a median is that you could have 4 30-rank players and 2 60-rank players but the 60-ranks would carry the hell out of the team. Even just 1 60 rank against 30-ranks might be able to Solo the other team.
It's competitive; there shouldn't be huge skill gaps between players. If you want to play with friends play Quickplay.
I'm not really convinced that carrying is really a thing.
Overwatch isn't a game about raw FPS skills. The differences between ranks are made up more by better team play, communication, and adaptability, not "I aim better than you"
I've seen gameplay footage from people who play damn well, but are stuck in rank 40s. They don't "carry their team", they stay stuck in their rank because their teammates drag them down.

Also, give this video a watch. (0:50 - 1:45 is enough to show the point)
If this system is implemented as is, with the placement system staying as is, you could have teams being unable to play with each other immediately after placing

What about a limit on standard deviation or variance?
You could set it to the right limit so that you could have one really far away ranked player or a couple less far ranked players, but not too crazy
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 07:53:15 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

Season 2 has already announced addressing these issues. The max limit you can queue apart will be 500 when the ranking is bumped up to 5000 max. Current ranking that translates to 10 which seems pretty standard to run into. More importantly if you look at the current player skill distribution +/- 10 from the mean 50, it goes down to 9th percentile and up to 86th percentile. If you translate these numbers to CS:GO's matchmaking (Currently the most seriously taken competitive FPS), the mean is about Gold Nova II/III. You can queue +/- 5 ranks in CS:GO IIRC so that'll let you queue up to ~90th percentile MGE and down to ~12th percentile Silver IV.

Turns out these overlap pretty well, and fair enough for the average person. If you and your friends are as skilled as about half of the game's population (45-55) you'll still be able to queue together. Anything greater than this gap is either a high rank player pulling his team's average down heavily on a smurf to benefit his friend through the underdog system, or people queuing together despite a clear skill difference. Pulled data from here (OW) and here (CS) for those interested.

Also that Cloud 9 example in the video was from competitive launch week, which already had issues like KotH maps giving something like 10% of what they should have been giving. Most of the issues involving supports have most likely been stealth patched by now, and a lot of the evidence involving supports getting low rank gain is on personal experience over any actual data. I could say the same thing for the opposite side on how I placed at 49 and climbed to 66 before I started dropping on a daily basis by playing mostly Lucio. I played most of my placements with a 6 stack (which I'm confident in saying I was probably the 2nd best in, next to another friend) and we all placed within 5 ranks of each other.

All the changes they've announce are definitely a step in the right direction for good matchmaking experiences, as the current gap you can queue at is hilariously wide. Someone in the top 5% at 65 can queue with at the lowest a rank 15, which is literally in the bottom 1% of players. You're more likely to see differences of around 20 ranks where skill differences are really noticeable. I'd take the few upset parties not being able to queue together over the unpleasant matchmaking experiences. Division gating for people who reach a certain rank then get really unlucky losing streaks is also really welcomed coming from personal experience.

In regards to carrying teams, it's definitely possible to an extent due to how strong offence characters are at the moment, but working on stuff like aim and communication on any hero will almost always positively increase your performance instead of being a one trick pony. Good communication is the best thing to have against that MLG Genji on the enemy team, as well as adjusting team comps to adapt to the enemy's strengths. (I.E. get hitscan vs Pharah/don't play Junkrat vs her, Winston/Junkrat vs Genji/Tracer, Reinhardt/Zarya shields vs McCree and discord orb that one really annoying guy killing everyone, etc etc...)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 08:45:12 PM by Proog »

I'm not really convinced that carrying is really a thing.
There are carry heros that can really do it for their team. (Genji, Soldier)
You'll see this if you ever get to ~70 ranks

Also, give this video a watch. (0:50 - 1:45 is enough to show the point)
If this system is implemented as is, with the placement system staying as is, you could have teams being unable to play with each other immediately after placing
Yes, they need to do something about support EXP in the game.

What about a limit on standard deviation or variance?
You could set it to the right limit so that you could have one really far away ranked player or a couple less far ranked players, but not too crazy
Blizzard is just trying out different ways to get better MM. We'll see what works.

Someone in the top 5% at 65 can queue with at the lowest a rank 15, which is literally in the bottom 1% of players.
Actually I'm pretty sure there's a max rank difference of something like 50 apart. I glitch saw it once when I invited a player to my group.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 08:43:44 PM by ZSNO »

Actually I'm pretty sure there's a max rank difference of something like 50 apart. I glitch saw it once when I invited a player to my group.
65 to 15 IS 50 ranks apart, if anything this shows how ridiculous the current maximum gap is.
Tier 2-3 pro players can get matched with someone who could misses 76's ult and probably plays with the arrow keys over WASD.

Also back to the whole people carrying teams vs players sandbagging too hard to win, this game's not like Dota 2 or LoL where someone dying a lot is as detrimental due to shifting in game advantages like gold and levels, it just stops momentum. A single coordinated push can still gain enough momentum in a 5v6, it's just a little harder. Plus higher skilled teams just happen to play way more optimized teams, making a lot of the game revolve around designated play makers (McCree and Genji in the game's current state), with the appropriate team to back them up or stop said strat.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 08:54:25 PM by Proog »

I also forgot to add there is a teaser for the short that is coming this thursday

IMO the Genji walljump nerf was way too much. His air movement is so linear now.. I agree with every other change though. Hopefully Blizzard sees the error of their ways.

draw me like one of your french junkers

when your parents ask where the omnics went

Season just ended I guess

just do 10 games quickly and you should get the end of season rewards
I got 5 of them done then comp was gone T_T