


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 787934 times)

In Overwatch, does team composition really matter much if everyone is good at the character they're playing as? Every game I've played with different characters and classes and stuff, I've never cared about synergy and all that junk, and my team tends to win most of the time without any problems. That includes my limited time playing the Overwatch beta, although that of course was only against the super dumb Ai team, so that doesn't really count.
Team comp is pretty important, especially if you plan on playing any competitive

Team comp is pretty important, especially if you plan on playing any competitive
This, pretty much. Healing, shielding, crowd control, offense... too many roles to cover for one player type.

well, got the genji skin
still no UK tracer skin though :c

i keep on getting legendaries, i got 3 yesterday and 1 was a duplicate (champion for zarya, i already have it) in the same box as another, Yeti Hunter for mei. then like a box or two after I got Junker for D.Va.

this is after I had bought 18 boxes at one point and unboxed a singular legendary

what is my luck

i keep on getting legendaries, i got 3 yesterday and 1 was a duplicate (champion for zarya, i already have it) in the same box as another, Yeti Hunter for mei. then like a box or two after I got Junker for D.Va.

this is after I had bought 18 boxes at one point and unboxed a singular legendary

what is my luck

a friend of mine on his first box got one of the punk skins for tracer (which are the rarest in the game i think??) and then 10 boxes later got a duplicate

he was so pissed

The only legendary I haven't gotten from the event is the damn British tracer, I have however unboxed the orange one like 4 times

In Overwatch, does team composition really matter much if everyone is good at the character they're playing as? Every game I've played with different characters and classes and stuff, I've never cared about synergy and all that junk, and my team tends to win most of the time without any problems. That includes my limited time playing the Overwatch beta, although that of course was only against the super dumb Ai team, so that doesn't really count.
It matters very much.
Even if you don't care and only play one character, you'll soon figure out "these characters always wreck me, and I always wreck these characters"
That's called a counter. Every hero has their strengths and weaknesses, and you need to play them.

team comp more like team competence rng
i swear to god every match I join im teamed up with 3 braindead handicaps minimum
having characters that counter the other team doesn't do jack stuff when nobody will capitalize on it

new map is on the ptr now

heck yes time to play castle crashe- uh i mean overwatch

(kills entire enemy team)
(sits at bonfire)
(entire enemy team is back)

team comp more like team competence rng
i swear to god every match I join im teamed up with 3 braindead handicaps minimum
having characters that counter the other team doesn't do jack stuff when nobody will capitalize on it
That's why I only like playing with a full group

why does everyone suddenly want overwatch to be the gaming industry's 10,000th single player horde survival game? it's already got a good thing going, let it be
yes more content how horrible

yes more content how horrible
sometimes more content isn't always good, but that isn't the case here I do see your sarcasm, this is in support of your general message though

I think riot gave a pretty good explanation on it when they removed some gamemodes and limit them to being on their weekend rotation

yes more content how horrible

content made using parts of the development team that could be better allocated to things that are actually good