


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 788572 times)

She's just fine as heck.

early concept art

« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 04:10:14 AM by Steve5451² »

hooking a charging rein thats about to squish someone and saving them is best thing

oh my holy jesus i'm an ana main in 3v3 now
she's the only character i enjoy playing in that mode now and i'm actually pretty good with her
except for my like 30th game with her apparently

he kept getting into situations i couldn't help him with so yea
i also got him the next game too

just some proof i good

obligatory 3v3 champs are ana, dva, roadhog and soldier

never played a game without them and I always pick one of em except when I want to pwn with my main Tracer

fcuk it have these too
here is when i did a thing i think
and here is when i spazzed a bit when i heard a zen charging up behind me while i was low health while my biotic grenade was just coming off cooldown also i survived with 5 health
plus i had a moment where the enemy widow with a minuscule amount of health (last dude alive) grappled into the air and i got 'er with an unscoped shot that is a projectile in case u don kno while she was flying but it wasn't a highlight sadly tho it was pretty dope

ok maybe i've been playing 3v3 too much i need a break from all that

ok maybe i've been playing 3v3 too much i need a break from all that
"too much" doesnt exist in arcade mode

Last night, I got play of the game as Reinhardt in a game of Quickplay.

How did that happen? Let's see here... I:
  • went Tracer at the start of the game
  • was trying to get kills but kept dying
  • freaked out when I looked like I leaped off into the bottom of the map when I died for the 5th time because a loving D.Va's self-destruct got me from somewhat far away when I was above some platform (not that close to the edge that leads to the bottom) and I thought I was safe
  • switched to Reinhardt in anger
  • went on a rampage and destroyed 3 people (first I charged, pinned and killed some Reaper, then I went full barbarian on that D.Va and her mech [killed them both], and then I killed an Ana), and some Torbjorn's mech
  • died only 1-2 times as Reinhardt, but we won and I got play of the game

It was quite an interesting game. After that game, I played a few more times (went Bastion on the next game, and then Tracer after that game), got off and went to sleep.

Note to self: if you die a few times then just go Reinhardt and everything will be fine.

EDIT: Now I wish I had recorded that 5th death.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 01:40:36 PM by Ahead »

obligatory 3v3 champs are ana, dva, roadhog and soldier

never played a game without them and I always pick one of em except when I want to pwn with my main Tracer
Have personally won a round with Reaper, Sombra, and Widowmaker.

obligatory 3v3 champs are ana, dva, roadhog and soldier

never played a game without them and I always pick one of em except when I want to pwn with my main Tracer
I see Ana and Roadhog a ton, but I rarely see soldier and don't think I've ever seen d.va

I see Ana and Roadhog a ton, but I rarely see soldier and don't think I've ever seen d.va
I see them a ton.

for everyone that makes fun of winston picks because he's "not viable:"

winston is REAL and he is coming for your bones as we speak

for everyone that makes fun of winston picks because he's "not viable:"

winston is REAL and he is coming for your bones as we speak

winston best tank

for everyone that makes fun of winston picks because he's "not viable:"

winston is REAL and he is coming for your bones as we speak

who the forget said that

i love playing winston in comp. jump behind and loving eat mercy/ana/lucio. his ult isnt even for frags, but to disorienting the enemy while your team forgets em over


winston best tank
winstons the best tank if you don't include the other 4 tanks

winstons the best tank if you don't include the other 4 tanks
I like Reinhardt as a tank, though.