


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 789514 times)

pulled all nighter and got plat for the end of the season

i did it i actually got to plat a few days before the end of the season

tomorrow big boy

i'm at platinum right now i'm happy, 2622 sr boys

looks like everybody managed to land in plat by the end

meanwhile I'm only level 16

Luckiest play of my life
Did not kill the Reinhardt, 1/10.
But seriously though, that is pretty amazing, kind of expected you to blast them all off the edge or something but that is pretty good too!
That timely boost from your Anna could not have been in a better time.

looks like everybody managed to land in plat by the end

Played and lost 3 games today, still gold fml. I can't get out of gold by playing comfort picks as Dva and Lucio, my team pulls no weight. The only round we won was when I played Mei, a pick I started playing just some days ago.

Got mad and went into a qp with my old main Tracer. Went totally berserk and won in a minute or two with 3 golds and potg. Why can't comp be this easy. fmlfml

Hopefully they will post a blog about the season 4 changes today

Played and lost 3 games today, still gold fml. I can't get out of gold by playing comfort picks as Dva and Lucio, my team pulls no weight. The only round we won was when I played Mei, a pick I started playing just some days ago.

Got mad and went into a qp with my old main Tracer. Went totally berserk and won in a minute or two with 3 golds and potg. Why can't comp be this easy. fmlfml

because you need to pick your best characters for comp in order to do well

because you need to pick your best characters for comp in order to do well

I'm good with most champs and don't have a "cream-in-your-face" main, so I'm pretty lost in comp. No boasting intended. :/


team pls lulcio

o boi
i'm guessing if she's gonna be the new hero she won't be fighting herself (especially cus she's 11), but she'll send out drones from spawn or something
that seems like an interesting idea

shes building doomfist
doomfist robot is going to kill her parents

with the intent of sounding tribal

she looks creepy

her eyes just.. ughghhggg

forget a Mei short would be depressing as hell

I was just thinking yesterday that there should be a Mei animated short.