


Author Topic: Overwatch Megathread  (Read 789554 times)

Damnnn I just missed my placements by 1 match.

I've come this far...

but in the end

it doesn't even matter

let's talk new quadrupeds

that big thing being a hero would be cool Lol

the pros is it's badass and would wreck everything
the cons is it doesn't fit indoors, so hiding inside is a valid strategy against it

my goal for next season is to get to master

lets go boys

my goal for next season is to get to master

lets go boys
mine is to get out of plat and into diamond because im just stuck at platinum losing and winning

fun fact i don't play competitive mode at all cus i'm a filthy casual (well i did do placement matches once with a friend in season 2 and got plat which was average af at the time)
personally i have more fun with quick play and arcade but maybe i'll try a bit of comp again next season anyways just to see what happens since i am a lil bit more competitive at heart but prefer to be in a casual environment

i just like comp because people actually work together. qp is mostly just people playing widow and hanzo

actually i was gonna mention this and just decided not to but since u (in a way) brought it up

i see a decent amount of comp-going people complain about how in qp nobody tries at all but 49 games out of 50 i'm with people who try their little hearts out and fit the simple composition of at least one healer and one tank and one consistent dps and three whatever else they feel like whether that be another support or tank or sniper or whatever (albeit it's way more lenient than with comp mode but it doesn't turn out to matter all that much) plus people change heroes depending on if they're doing well of if they're getting countered, all with most of everyone not using a mic but we make do and communicate with the voice commands like ult charge
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 01:33:41 PM by gr8dayseth »

your qp experience is much different than mine lmao. i mean ill get people that try hard, but most people (including me) are just there to practice/have fun with a hero

i main attack bastion or play reinhardt and never put up my shield in qp and feel no shame

heh i do have a bit of a theory that people who play comp more tend to be more laid back in qp since they're taking a break from the whole working together thing

but yea i personally have no problem with people who do silly stuff like that it's fun