
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229824 times)

That chart takes me back to my freshman microeconomics class. That stuff was worse than Calc I-IV combined

i'm taking macroeconomics B)

That chart takes me back to my freshman microeconomics class

i say we bring back george bush sr for a second term

c'mon guys

ive now decided im gonna vote for kasich for pootis
he comes across as the most mature and respectable out of the bunch of them

i dislike rubio a lot but at least he looks like spiderman
[img  height=200]http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/tobey-maguire-spider-man-image .jpg[/img][  height=200]http://humanevents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/marco_rubio_flags.jpg[/img]
is it just me or is anyone else wondering how that looks remotely similar

even if they may be the wrong person?

It's not like we're killing everyone who's accused -- we're killing people that were convicted so positively by a court of law that the judge felt that the correct penalty for this human being is death. Obviously there'd be some people who slipped through the cracks and would get killed, but that's a small price to pay in comparison to the weight on society caused by keeping people ineligible for reentry into society in a cell.

I would vote for Sanders...

I don't support the death penalty but it's quite funny when you thing about it, the government says killing is bad yet they turn around and kill people
This is a pretty good read, too

I don't support the death penalty but it's quite funny when you thing about it, the government says killing is bad yet they turn around and kill people
I think, compared to capital punishment, it's a lot funnier that our government spends hundreds of billions of dollars every year on the military, and in the past has actually forced its citizens to murder other people

It's not like we're killing everyone who's accused -- we're killing people that were convicted so positively by a court of law that the judge felt that the correct penalty for this human being is death. Obviously there'd be some people who slipped through the cracks and would get killed, but that's a small price to pay in comparison to the weight on society caused by keeping people ineligible for reentry into society in a cell.
The cost of possibly executing an innocent human generally outweighs the cost of possibly sparing a criminal. It's the reason why Blackstone's Formulation is so popular, and why the vast majority of democratic nations have abolished the death penalty (with the exception of the United States, but the US has a habit of breaking all of our nice trends).

I'm not saying it's an objective truth, but it's how most people view it (who live outside of the United States, and in countries not controlled by Sharia Law or authoritarian Communists).

I don't support the death penalty but it's quite funny when you thing about it, the government says killing is bad yet they turn around and kill people
This is a pretty good read, too
I find it funny how the US was specifically formed as a secular nation and yet we have at least 3 candidates, one of which is doing alright in the polls, who want to turn the country into a christian theocracy and completely go against basically every single value that the country was founded upon. And then the same people who are voting for the people who want to completely demolish those founding values are hyper-nationalist pride machines who think the US can do no wrong.

a lad made of wee
No I am secretly a lass made out of stuff