
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231961 times)

i didn't mean we're directly one, but we've been leaning towards it for a while now.
You said we're "living in a democratic socialist country..." Again, can you elaborate?

Annoying Orange wants Cruz to be his vice President

Annoying Orange wants Cruz to be his vice President
holy stuff
a bloody monstrosity wtf
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 05:55:59 PM by Drydess »

Cruz is pretty high and if they combine forces Annoying Orange is an instant win. No way Bernie will side with hillary

You said we're "living in a democratic socialist country..." Again, can you elaborate?
We live in a democratic society with certain socialist benefits, such as obamacare, welfare, disability, unemployment, etc. That is called democratic socialism.

Their point isn't necessarily that he is poor and thus unfit to be president, but that he has been extraordinarily unsuccessful throughout his life in everything he has tried.
Which is a really stupid point to try and make. Past success in one area does not predict future success in a completely different area and it certainly has nothing to do with what he plans to do. It's literally just an ad hominem in disguise. (I know you're just clarifying, but it really is still a stupid argument.)

Just because there are socialist aspects in the government that doesn't mean we live in a socialist nation. Of course there are going to be welfare programs, what kind of government would leave people on their asses? (on a large scale)

Which is a really stupid point to try and make. Past success in one area does not predict future success in a completely different area and it certainly has nothing to do with what he plans to do. It's literally just an ad hominem in disguise. (I know you're just clarifying, but it really is still a stupid argument.)
It isn't stupid at all. We don't need a bum/slob that has always lived on government money and has never accomplished anything despite having ability to to be president.

what supposed president does this sort of stuff

the only reason I wouldn't vote for kasich is because I can't seem to find a lot about him, he'd probably get a lot more supporters if he further publicized himself

Just because there are socialist aspects in the government that doesn't mean we live in a socialist nation.
It's not socialism. It's democratic socialism. That's literally what I said. The two are completely different things.

It isn't stupid at all. We don't need a bum/slob that has always lived on government money and has never accomplished anything despite having ability to to be president.
You're calling a contributing member of society and a senator a slob and a bum. Not only is that extremely disrespectful and rude and objectively wrong but it has absolutely nothing to do with being president. He has the skills required to be a president, he has the ideas, he has the plans, he has the experience as a politician, he has everything needed. There's literally no reason he can't be successful as president. And if you're going to go on the logic that nobody who lives off government money should be president then you better go talk to John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, John Tyler, James Monroe, Harry S. Truman, Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and many others who were all US senators before becoming president.

So I have to be nice to senators just because they're senators? No, this isn't the Soviet Union.

Are you really going to compare the names you put down to Bernie Sanders? His friends literally described him as a slob. A lot of the men you put down served in the military and made real livings before they were politicians.

Voting for someone because "They've never done anything successful before, but maybe they'll do this right." Is loving stupid.

[img ]http://i.imgur.com/GAQ39AC.png[/img]
i actually did the research on this because people (probably you) are stupid enough to believe it

https://twitter.com/realDonaldAnnoying Orange
in addition, the picture of the tweet has the "delete" button in it, which leads me to believe the fake tweet was made by "hung papi" editing one of his own tweets to look like Annoying Oranges
if you have to lie to prove a point you have no point to prove

miko who do you want for president?

i actually did the research on this because people (probably you) are stupid enough to believe it
ironic how youre calling me stupid but youre the one that's doing research on satire post...
also lol 'did the research' you mean count the symbols and look at the delete button? lmao n1 eisenhower

miko who do you want for president?
miko wants Annoying Orange

ironic how youre calling me stupid but youre the one that's doing research on satire post...
yes it was just """satire"""

yes it was just """satire"""
oh please like it wasnt obvious. next youre going to tell me eric andre is an actual talkshow host

So I have to be nice to senators just because they're senators? No, this isn't the Soviet Union.
I'm not saying you have to be nice to him. I'm saying you need to have at least a little bit of common decency.

Are you really going to compare the names you put down to Bernie Sanders? His friends literally described him as a slob.
So hyperbole from a couple of his friends justifies actually calling him a slob and a bum? Yeah, no. And you're the one who pulled out the "He lives off government money so he can't be president!" card not me. All I did was point out your stuffty logic.

A lot of the men you put down served in the military and made real livings before they were politicians.
So what, now being a politician doesn't count as a job all of a sudden? You can't just throw his legitimate experience under the bus because it doesn't fit your agenda. You don't need to be a war hero or a doctor or a businessman to be a president, and having been a politician for decades now he has more than enough relevant experience.

Voting for someone because "They've never done anything successful before, but maybe they'll do this right." Is loving stupid.
Again, you're objectively wrong. He's been massively successful as a senator.