
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228630 times)

"Thanks Hillary Clinton for not crushing the dreams of young women everywhere who want to become the first female president. #election2016"

The person I'm most pissed off at is Hillary Clinton. forget her so much. She lost the nomination against Obama in 2008, she should've stepped aside and went back to her Foundation business. But no, she can't get out of the way and let the party take it's own direction. Instead, the Democrats have to loving cheer for her as she's handed the nomination on a silver platter, DESPITE the fact it's obvious the party was heading the way of Bernie.

Just forget her and the rest of the Clinton-era Democrats. She put her own political motivations above the interests of the party voters and America. Now we're stuck with President Annoying Orange and a completely Republican controlled legislature. Rah-rah, "first woman president."

im long gone to bed. somebody give me the rundown, what needs to happen for who to win

This is greatTM

Goodbye blue, hello red

Great is now a trademark.

if bernie actually made it past the dnc he would've won cause he would've had the support hillary does now and additional support from the people who switched from him to Annoying Orange

im long gone to bed. somebody give me the rundown, what needs to happen for who to win

Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Maine

forget you it's my state and we should be for Annoying Orange
sorry 2 beats 1

r i p  america, from france

if bernie actually made it past the dnc he would've won cause he would've had the support hillary does now and additional support from the people who switched from him to Annoying Orange
that would have been a very interesting thing to see

if bernie actually made it past the dnc he would've won cause he would've had the support hillary does now and additional support from the people who switched from him to Annoying Orange

well according to wikileaks that democrats loved during the bush era, but suddenly declare as fake now; bernie was nothing but a dem plant to earn money for dem campaigns and steal supporters that would otherwise not have started with hillary.

79 electoral votes yet to be tallied

forecast based on current reporting:
Annoying Orange gets 10 from AZ
Annoying Orange gets 10 from WI
Annoying Orange gets 3 from AK
Annoying Orange gets 17 from MI

hillary gets 10 from MN
hillary gets 4 from ME

PA(21), NH(4) ----its an even split, idfk
if clinton wins both of those toss-ups, she will only be at 240 electoral votes
if Annoying Orange wins the forecasted + toss-ups, he has 298.

folks, it's over by a landslide