
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228628 times)

it doesn't change the fact that you're blowing hundreds of thousands of tax-payer dollars for something that isn't even necessary. just like the Annoying Orange wall thing, it's just a front to funnel millions of dollars into a private company in exchange for loving donation money or support
blowing money on what exactly? what part of this whole thing are you referring to

the real issue with military spending ties into congressional corruption

just take a look at how much is wasted by unnecessary, bloated, and drawn out contracts in the military industrial congress

the actual military in its current size makes sense considering its hegemony in most of the world- power projection deployable without hindering other significant military exploits is an expensive but worthwhile feat

honestly if you look into it 80% of the military's problems are thanks to political bullstuff

blowing money on what exactly? what part of this whole thing are you referring to
military equipment. you know, the type of stuff that costs half a million dollars and is meant for wartime combat? part of being efficient with your spending is NOT spending it on things you don't need. why order a hundred m-atvs when you can just coat your cruisers with bulletproof steel and arm police with extra body armor?

military equipment. you know, the type of stuff that costs half a million dollars and is meant for wartime combat
what? who is wasting money?

what? who is wasting money?
the loving government that is using its budget to pay for military equipment? why are you so puzzled by this?

the loving government that is using its budget to pay for military equipment? why are you so puzzled by this?
you're mad the military is using its money to buy military equipment? are you a hippie or are you leaving something out here

you're mad the military is using its money to buy military equipment? are you a hippie or are you leaving something out here
im mad that the military is buying military equipment and not using it for its actual purpose, such as protecting soldiers from mine blasts.

im mad that the military is buying military equipment and not using it for its actual purpose, such as protecting soldiers from mine blasts.
they did
the mrap program is being replaced, and they're no longer needed there
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 01:43:35 AM by Frankie² »

i dont think we're talking about the same thing anymore. actually i dont think we were ever talking about the same thing.

either way driving heavy large vehicles isn't as easy as you say frankie

literally google dangers of forklifts and you can see how a tiny little vehicle like that can forget so much stuff up if used wrong, and replace that with the mrap

also by military vehicles i meant like, not humvee which iirc originated as commerical. probably wrong tho

phantos, his point is that the money was already spent, the vehicles exist. theres no need to rebuy them.

what about those roads... am i right fellas

either way driving heavy large vehicles isn't as easy as you say frankie

literally google dangers of forklifts and you can see how a tiny little vehicle like that can forget so much stuff up if used wrong, and replace that with the mrap

also by military vehicles i meant like, not humvee which iirc originated as commerical. probably wrong tho
humvee is originally military, you might be thinking of the hummer, which came later
while there are dangers with driving any large vehicle, proper training and precautions can mitigate most accidents
any competent police department most likely has a licensing system in place for what vehicles they've been trained to drive, much like the military does
its not as simple as "hey bill you're driving the mrap today hope you don't anyone over har har"

humvee is originally military, you might be thinking of the hummer, which came later
while there are dangers with driving any large vehicle, proper training and precautions can mitigate most accidents
any competent police department most likely has a licensing system in place for what vehicles they've been trained to drive, much like the military does
its not as simple as "hey bill you're driving the mrap today hope you don't anyone over har har"
ya but i dont think its like "hey you can qualify to drive this in just one hour!!!"
like im sure its gonna forget a lot with civilian road traffic

there was one time a few military humvees and truck was passing through town and it forgeted up traffic bad on the small roads


i wonder why we cant keep up with infrastructure anymore

"Because immigrants" has been the age-old bullstuff excuse for why things are the way they are.

Take immigrants out of the equation and we're still going to neglect our infrastructure.

ya but i dont think its like "hey you can qualify to drive this in just one hour!!!"
like im sure its gonna forget a lot with civilian road traffic

there was one time a few military humvees and truck was passing through town and it forgeted up traffic bad on the small roads
Hi, I hold a us army motor vehicle operators license and I can assure you it's that loving easy. Got a civilian drivers license? Check. Got your crash course on driving one and standard procedures? Check. Now it's just a matter of getting a certain amount of hours on military roads (think on a base) and you're qualified to drive on city streets