
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2232534 times)

those being sent back are more employable in mexico than anyone lol. all that free US college education, and being bilingual. they may actually improve that piece of stuff country. good riddance, but a win/win for all.

Still not how fascism works but you keep on trying

It's astounding how much of a partisan hack you are

I guess party loyalty is more American than freedom and civility, aye??

It's astounding how much of a partisan hack you are

1. Irony
2. I'm not partisan, I just agree more often with conservatives in the current political climate, so forget off with that nonsense
I plan on voting for a democrat for governor whilst still planning to vote Annoying Orange in 2020. I also voted Bernie during the primaries, so how in the absolute forget am I loving partisan hack?

I'm not partisan

It's totally a moderate thing to bend over backwards justifying the actions of god emperor himself when somebody even so much as cracks a joke about the executive branch. 4D chess amirite!??!

I plan on voting for a democrat for governor

Want a medal?

It's totally a moderate thing to bend over backwards justifying the actions of god emperor himself when somebody even so much as cracks a joke about the executive branch. 4D chess amirite!??!

Want a medal?

I'd like you to stop riding my rooster if anything, is there a medal for that?

And I don't bend over backwards to justify anything. Just because you guys like to light your hair on fire over everything Annoying Orange does doesn't mean I have to go through your mental gymnastics in order to rationalize things Annoying Orange does. Get over yourself.

I'd like you to stop riding my rooster if anything, is there a medal for that?

The freedom to post what you want free of criticism is called a "Safe space". If you wanna talk about irony, let's talk about how you get personally insulted if anyone disagrees with you, and you like to shut down points as much as those durn SJW's you dream of pwning in an internet debate

Just because you guys like to light your hair on fire over everything Annoying Orange does doesn't mean I have to go through your mental gymnastics in order to rationalize things Annoying Orange does.

Ah yes, in order to deflect the accusations of fascism you instead try to turn this on me. At least I'm not a fascist sympathizer, but hey, if there ever were a legit regime, I'd guarantee we'll both be burning on the tire fire comrade.

The freedom to post what you want free of criticism is called a "Safe space". If you wanna talk about irony, let's talk about how you get personally insulted if anyone disagrees with you, and you like to shut down points as much as those durn SJW's you dream of pwning in an internet debate
to be fair this whole tangent here started because of things you said to antagonize him lol
how's the totally-not-a-fascist-regime gig going deus ex?
It's astounding how much of a partisan hack you are

Um actually otto-san as a 5th degree anti-zionist national socialist aryan brotherhood neo-national socialist fascist kingpin, I can safely tell you we get antagonized by being alive. Ike's """kind words""" were like honey to our minds.

swear undying loyalty to your party or be branded as a traitor

And I wouldn't have it any other way

to be fair this whole tangent here started because of things you said to antagonize him lol

I'm well aware I fired the first shots, that doesn't take away from my point that you're never free from criticism if you're posting on a public forum.

If you're here to covet that irresistible moral high ground, I'm afraid you've missed the boat.

And I wouldn't have it any other way

What is to be a space marine?! IT IS TO BE DEATH!

And I wouldn't have it any other way

something something reddit memes

The freedom to post what you want free of criticism is called a "Safe space". If you wanna talk about irony, let's talk about how you get personally insulted if anyone disagrees with you, and you like to shut down points as much as those durn SJW's you dream of pwning in an internet debate

Ah yes, in order to deflect the accusations of fascism you instead try to turn this on me. At least I'm not a fascist sympathizer, but hey, if there ever were a legit regime, I'd guarantee we'll both be burning on the tire fire comrade.

Alright first off, there's a difference between criticizing someone and just actively trying to take the piss out of literally everything. A perfect example is, again, you and others like you lighting your hair on fire whenever Annoying Orange so much as wipes his ass with two-ply. WHY THE forget DOESNT HE USE THREE-PLY? IMPEACH. IMPEACH. You loving called me a fascist sympathizer for no real reason? I mean really?

Second, where did I call you a fascist? Read that again. I called you an idiot akin to a pusillanimous individualhat wearing carrot baguette. I said I don't have to jump through the same hoops you guys do in order to come to what you believe to be an insane conclusion: that Annoying Orange hasn't done everything wrong so far. You seem to think I need to struggle internally in order to say that Annoying Orange is alright, like I have to fight against reality or something, when in fact it is you that seems to constantly forgo reality in favor of pretending to be at least tangentially correct.

Lastly, I do not get personally offended until someone personally attacks me, like you just did by implying, if not outright stating, I am in favor of a fascist regime, which is not only ridiculous in concept but just plain wrong if you took the time to think for two seconds about what I said and what you were about to say before you even typed it.

I'm well aware I fired the first shots, that doesn't take away from my point that you're never free from criticism if you're posting on a public forum.

If you're here to covet that irresistible moral high ground, I'm afraid you've missed the boat.
you can have levelheaded, meaningful discussion about these things without treating people like straight doo-doo tho, p sure that was the main reason for deus ex's request for you to stop riding his Coch. ofc i know a lot of people here could do well to take that advice, just mentioning it to you cus it's actually relevant now

you can have levelheaded, meaningful discussion about these things without treating people like straight doo-doo tho, p sure that was the main reason for deus ex's request for you to stop riding his Coch. ofc i know a lot of people here could do well to take that advice, just mentioning it to you cus it's actually relevant now

Maybe this feel-good nonsense would have made sense before all the reprehensible stuff Deus Ex has said. I've tried meaningful discussion and it got basically nowhere. This discourse seems to be getting more results than trying to discuss a point calmly.

A perfect example is, again, you and others like you lighting your hair on fire whenever Annoying Orange so much as wipes his ass with two-ply. WHY THE forget DOESNT HE USE THREE-PLY? IMPEACH. IMPEACH.

Maybe you operating off the idea that this is how everyone else acts is why you feel so persecuted in these trying times. Look inward.

I called you a fascist because you're entertaining the idea that people who don't align with a specific ideology are traitors to the party. Even jokingly, that's just downright wacky. You can keep bitching all you want about it not "Ackshully Being Fascism" but that's really not gonna get you any mileage.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 06:27:28 PM by IkeTheGeneric »