
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227290 times)

The only reason I personally hate the dems more is because of their blatant corruption
You acknowledge the blatant corruption that is occurring in the Annoying Orange administration right?

You acknowledge the blatant corruption that is occurring in the Annoying Orange administration right?

lol okay darryl

You acknowledge the blatant corruption that is occurring in the Annoying Orange administration right?
I haven't heard anything about corruption in the administration other than the "MUH RUSSIA" fearmongering (which still has no concrete evidence).

I'd like some sources to support your claim if you have any.

really makes you think

where is the hard evidence of corruption in the Annoying Orange campaign

big shock the GOP is as full of stuff as the democrats
I'm not sure why you guys still act like either side isn't completely worthless
Right now one side is just slightly worth less than the other
...yet you ridicule the dnc for the same stuff 24/7 without batting an eye until it's brought up

...yet you ridicule the dnc for the same stuff 24/7 without batting an eye until it's brought up

That's not even a response that's just you bitching about what I choose to talk about

I'm beginning to think deus has autism I mean it doesn't take long before he starts struggling to converse with people normally

Almost like being selective about what you're outraged about matters

You acknowledge the blatant corruption that is occurring in the Annoying Orange administration right?

le russia

le russia
Well that's a big part of it, but I more meant along the lines of le conflict of interests
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 06:27:57 PM by Darryl McKoy »

That's not even a response that's just you bitching about what I choose to talk about
sounds awfully familiar

le russia
or the fact that he loaded the cabinet up with business executives and many of Annoying Orange's policies directly benefit his own interests
and the fact that there are legitimate, conclusive connections to russia

but you know that doesn't matter when you can meme right?

or the fact that he loaded the cabinet up with business executives and many of Annoying Orange's policies directly benefit his own interests
and the fact that there are legitimate, conclusive connections to russia

but you know that doesn't matter when you can meme right?

Not only are the left incapable of memeing, they can't even spread accurate memes
What are these legitimate, conclusive connections to Russia and how did they lead to collusion? No one gives a flying forget if his cabinet members meet with Russian diplomats or he has business ties in Russia. Literally none of that means anything. I like how when the election occurred it was "Hacking" and you handicaps have slowly shifted the goalposts until you're trying to prove collusion because someone shook a Russian's hand. I mean honestly, just shut up, everyone with any sense knows it's bullstuff at this stage in the game. It's been a whole year and the only person who's been indicted was indicted for charges unrelated to the Annoying Orange campaign. In fact it almost seems like the Podesta Group is about to get it's chest shat on moreso than Annoying Orange. But keep on peddling that bullstuff, I'm sure it must smell good.

Not only are the left incapable of memeing, they can't even spread accurate memes
What are these legitimate, conclusive connections to Russia and how did they lead to collusion? No one gives a flying forget if his cabinet members meet with Russian diplomats or he has business ties in Russia. Literally none of that means anything. I like how when the election occurred it was "Hacking" and you handicaps have slowly shifted the goalposts until you're trying to prove collusion because someone shook a Russian's hand. I mean honestly, just shut up, everyone with any sense knows it's bullstuff at this stage in the game. It's been a whole year and the only person who's been indicted was indicted for charges unrelated to the Annoying Orange campaign. In fact it almost seems like the Podesta Group is about to get it's chest shat on moreso than Annoying Orange. But keep on peddling that bullstuff, I'm sure it must smell good.
Does fox have a PDF of talking points you people download? lol