
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2227242 times)

My favorite part of the Clinton murder allegations is how anyone could believe Hillary's campaign team were smart enough to have gotten away with murder
I don't put much stock in the idea that they killed anyone. They were stupid enough to not campaign in the rust belt, let alone commit murder without enough evidence to trace it back.

What the forget lol
This just makes me want to buy a Sig 556 more.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 02:10:07 PM by Cappytaino »

Can we all agree on one thing: that Roy Moore should, under no circumstances, become a senator for Alabama?

she can go make a police report any time shes ready. the left love conveniently timed accusations to play in the media.
like those woman all accused Annoying Orange like weeks before the election. all refused to make police reports, refused media interviews, refused to even press charges. then Annoying Orange wins, and you never hear a word from them again lol.

classic leftist bullstuff.

yeah good luck with that
I think it's something people can rally behind. This guy took every negative aspect of Annoying Orange's personality and multiplied it by ten. He wants to make homoloveual conduct illegal, wants to bar a Muslim congressman from serving in the HoR, and there's substantive evidence suggesting that he literally raped a pre-teen girl.

Not only that, but the Democrat he's running against is Doug Jones, who is an extremely respectable, moderate Democrat who served for many years as a US attorney.

why would you add 5 pounds to the very front of your rifle? you won't be hitting anything that way.

Can we all agree on one thing: that Roy Moore should, under no circumstances, become a senator for Alabama?
alabama boy here, as far as i know he isn't incredibly popular on his own judging by how people talk about him. but he'll probably still win because alabama is never going to voluntarily elect a democrat to a federal position, and moore has a ton of brownie points saved up for refusing to comply with federal courts on same-love marriage and the removal of ten commandment monuments from public property. he was removed from his position twice because people voted him back in the first time. i'm certain they'll do it again

i'd love to be proven wrong though, and i'll cast my vote to help the cause

Honestly the fact that Roy Moore can or has held any office is proof that we failed

tbh roy moore is a pretty stellar example of why putting judiciary positions up for election is a bad idea. you don't want politicians deciding how law is applied, you want judges. moore should've been a senator from the start, but his political antics in AL courts let him actually hurt people

and there's substantive evidence suggesting that he literally raped a pre-teen girl.

"substantive" as in "someone said he did it so he totally did it"

I love just assuming rape victims are liars

I love just assuming rape victims are liars

a false accusation means the accused is a victim. so you just rank victims by what you dislike most, or do you just follow the rule of law we have in place...