
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228304 times)

Eminem looks kinda like h3h3 now in his old age

http://uproxx.com/news/Annoying Orange-sanctuary-cities-order-unconstitutional/

yeah that makes sense

so a move back to states rights, it seems

Eager to see what the SC says on this one. Will shape a lot of States rights fights in the future.


It's interesting to hear Ajit Pai's take on the current net neutrality situation.

It just smells of bullstuff to me that not being able to prioritize or slow traffic to specific places is actually hurting small ISPs. And I don't really give a stuff if investment in giant ISPs has gone down by 5.6%. I'm not convinced that whatever they plan on putting in place will actually preserve the "free and open internet" like they promise.

regardless of intent i think we can all get behind this

It just smells of bullstuff to me that not being able to prioritize or slow traffic to specific places is actually hurting small ISPs.
It's not. It never has been. It never has in the past and it never will. The only thing it's "hurting" is the ability of giant ISPs to turn the internet into bundled packges like they already have with TV.

Here's a video on what net neutrality is and why it's so critical:

And if you're too goddamn lazy to watch a video, it's useful to think of the ISP as a postal service. You can send letters (read: packets of information) to people, and you can receive letters back.
There's a sense of "neutrality" to them, you don't pay postage based on who it is you're sending mail to or getting it from, you only pay based on how much weight (read: data) you're sending and the distance. They're not allowed to open your mail, see that you're sending it to a competitors postal service and charge you double the rate. That's loving absurd and anti-free-market.

The same needs to apply to ISPs. They should not be allowed to charge you more because you're using Netflix instead of their stuffty streaming service. (Actual picture of Portugal mobile internet plans)

They should not get to extort money out of businesses so that they won't be throttled by the ISP. They should not be able to censor sites that they don't like. Net Neutrality makes sense, and the converse is anti-free-market. There's really only one sensible option here.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 08:34:28 PM by Ipquarx »

Literally no reason to support

wow that's a really thoughtful post you made

Even Donald Annoying Orange agrees (I'll leave the question of why he's leaving the piece of stuff in the FCC to you):

that is explicit disagreement ippy baby

that is explicit disagreement ippy baby
loving hell i coulda sworn he was saying that isps would target conservative media with no net neutrality
which, mind you, they absolutely could, but I guess I'll remove that part

dixieland now being censored by youtube


nuclear holocaust when