
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2229812 times)

Why the hostility? I'm genuinely curious who here has used a firearm. You should probably try removing that stick from your ass.
if not, don't discuss politics, eh?
h o s t i l e

says the guy who hasn't campaigned for office

says the guy who hasn't campaigned for office

young turks facebook poll backfired on them

Didn't the Young Turks kill like 1,500,000 Armenians in the early 1900s
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 07:42:18 AM by PhantOS »

Didn't the Young Turks kill like 1,500,000 Armenians in the early 1900s

Cenk wishes he could

Didn't the Young Turks kill like 1,500,000 Armenians in the early 1900s


young turks facebook poll backfired on them

-Image redacted because of Imgur TOS-
Can they tony it and swap the answers?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 02:48:18 PM by Master Matthew² »

young turks is neoliberal bullstuff. mainly because their youtube videos are boring

okay here's the tactical nuke way to stop gun violence in general

1. Gun Violence Restraining Orders (GVROs)


TL;DR if your family thinks you're unstable they can petition the government to temporarily suspend your right to bear arms and if there's evidence that there is a problem with you you will be unable to buy/own guns as per the law until you get better

2. Project Exile


mainly deals with gang violence but if you are found to have a gun that you are not allowed to have (mostly due to you being a convicted criminal) you get five years in jail immediately
under this, in Richmond VA where it was being tested, homicides were halved in a decade and there was also a sharp decline in robberies

3. Public schools/workplaces, security guards, and funding

pretty simple, if a school or a building that is publicly owned/funded does not have at least one armed security guard, their funding gets docked until they do
any privately owned thing does not have to follow this but the appeal of having a security guard will probably get to them and they'll hire one too

4. Allow the teachers that want to carry and that feel like they can carry to carry


5. Harsher sentences for government officials loving up

people in the government who don't catch glaring tips like in this case or who just forget up with paperwork like with the texas shooter should not just be fired, they should be harshly tried for criminal negligence
this has the bonus effect of cleaning up the FBI's act in addition to stopping potential Hardcore Gamers

this is all I have so far but it'll do a lot better than everything that has been proposed by democrats

All that nonsense, just so they won't take your toys away
Really? this is the only response you can muster? I mean not suprising given your handicapped post rap sheet is entering setro/buzzwaker levels.

How many people in this thread have fired a weapon and how many people here own a weapon?
I own 5 AR/AR esque platforms, 3 pistols and two shotguns, and I support stricter gun laws. I was taught at a very early age to respect weapons and the harm they could do to people. The issue will always be that criminals and psychopaths will find guns, the issue is stopping them before they can acquire them and/or use them.

Literally everything Tactical Nuke has posted are things that have long been suggested and trialed, and help adress this exact problem. I'm sure the NRA and the *BANE AL ASSULT WEPONZ* crowd(who has literally 0 idea or authority to base their points on, looking at you leasurestuff nonnel and tristinluigi) will keep preaching their bullstuff(and I'm a forgetin republican lol) but the fact of the matter is that *guns are not toys* and need to be respected as such.

 I mean, is there a practical use for a bump stock other than stuffting around? I highly doubt anyone other than I actually owns a bump stock and has fired one extensively, and I can tell you as a loving fact: there is no actual use for them if you're using a rifle for what it's designed for other than at extreme close range. You can make any weapon automatic, hell my buddies made an auto 22 one summer that we melted the barrel off of. Bump stocks just make it that much easier for any idiot to turn a AR into a big SMG with a ton of recoil, something that is not practical for any use other than spraying at extreme close range
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 11:08:28 AM by Grimlock² »

Bump stocks intended use is to reduce recoil when firing. Not to make your gun automatic

recoil on a 5.56? tf

This, what loving recoil? You might as well be firing .22

recoil on a 5.56? tf

So why exactly are you blocking me and doing the avatar thing?

Also anyone that says 556 has little to no recoil is a blatant liar.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 04:01:05 PM by Corderlain »

I oppose an "assault weapons" ban because the word itself is a meaningless distinction. You need to individually weigh the utility vs. destructive capacity of each weapon and generate legislature based on that. Blanket-banning a poorly-defined category of weaponry is neither effective nor advisable.