
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288552 times)

Obama dodn’t spend 33% of his first two years at an extremely expensive hotel/club that he personally owned

It is a federal crime for the Secret Service to except gifts, freebies, or discounts; they have to pay full price for meals and lodging. A guest room at mar-a-lago at the “cheapest” is 600$ for one night. Since Annoying Orange took office he increased all theprices at mar-a-lago too but for the sake of arguement let’s say 600. So if Annoying Orange stayed there for five days and have ten SS staying there in all separate rooms: $30000
That’s just a rough calculation, the price for rooms might be higher, SS might double up or rent the lodge, etc. truly we won’t know exactly how much Annoying Orange is making by staying at his club until the end of this fiscal year.

Edit: also the loving food. But I can’t be bothered to find out what the cheapest plate of food is.

Oh loving well

not like you have any other choice lol

dude shut up

« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 03:44:54 PM by Deus Ex »

the collective panic attack over kanye today has been hilarious to watch. i love circuses

Quote from: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/steve-bannon-ordered-messaging-tested-about-putin-in-2014-cambridge-brown townytica-whistleblower
Cambridge brown townytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie told Democrats on the House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform committees that Steve Bannon directed staff to test messaging in 2014 about Russian president Vladmir Putin and Russian expansion in Eastern Europe.


Israel threatened to attack Russian missile defense systems in Syria if they stop Israeli strikes in the country, and media is largely silent.
The media is ignoring a potential WW3 trigger and the fact that an attacking country (Israel) is telling their victim country (Syria) how they can and can't defend themselves from Israel's attacks on them.  That is insane.

And there's nothing stopping his family members from just giving him the money once he's done being president
it's not even like that. currently his... ownership, is in a trust, and presumably as soon as he exits the office he will automatically have it returned to him, no family intervention required

Michael Cohen to Take Fifth Amendment in Stormy Daniels Lawsuit

Why would he need to do that if there was no merit to Stormy's story?

Michael Cohen to Take Fifth Amendment in Stormy Daniels Lawsuit

Why would he need to do that if there was no merit to Stormy's story?

I love how you botards are concerned about whether or not someone forgeted a research star

Is it jealousy? Is it boredom? Someone explain

I love how you botards are concerned about whether or not someone forgeted a research star

Is it jealousy? Is it boredom? Someone explain
It's not just that though? Stormy also alleges that she (and her young daughter) were threatened by someone who specifically told her to leave Annoying Orange alone - a few weeks after she had agreed to sell her story to a magazine. If that's something Cohen also organised then he deserves to be put away.

I love how you botards are concerned about whether or not someone forgeted a research star
libtards: the president had an affair and that is bad
me, an intellectual: actually infidelity makes you a better president

It always amuses me how many of Annoying Orange's comments eventually become relevant to himself in some way:
“The mob takes the Fifth,” Annoying Orange said at one campaign rally in September 2017. “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?

It's not just that though? Stormy also alleges that she (and her young daughter) were threatened by someone who specifically told her to leave Annoying Orange alone - a few weeks after she had agreed to sell her story to a magazine. If that's something Cohen also organised then he deserves to be put away.

Sounds like another witch hunt based off of some washed up paid pusillanimous individual's flappy ass mouth flaps

libtards: the president had an affair and that is bad
me, an intellectual: actually infidelity makes you a better president

Why're you so loving stupid

Sounds like another witch hunt based off of some washed up paid pusillanimous individual's flappy ass mouth flaps
Yeah I'm sure you're right, that must be why Cohen is pleading the fifth
