the left's darling investigation must have something by now.
not a single one of those is russia/collusion/campaign related. thats the point.
lol those russians were some random trolls on the internet that had nothing to do with Annoying Orange.see how hard you guys are stretching
Do not quote me you pony research posting snake peddler
< famPlease don't speak anymore, thanks.And don't quote me McSoyBoy.
You don't even do this yourself lmao
Good contribution to the political discussion fam!!response/TM1212Y17/type/smallest/filters/PD1:1/dates/20180101-20180517/collapsed/truerip democrats
I'm not an expert on this by any means, but I feel like if you guys knew anything about probability or statistics, we could avoid 99% of the arguments on here about polls.
Considering what happened with the last election anyone who thinks polls are worthwhile isn't really someone people should take seriously.
I don't understand how statistics work, yet I'm going to get outraged at them anyways