
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2359245 times)

you probably the type of brother to say cosby innocent

I stopped thinking he was innocent a long time ago stuff nugget, Im talking about Kavanaugh rn not the Pudding creep

< Literally have any approval from President Annoying Orange.
< 50+ alleged rape victims come forward out of nowhere.

This only happens when people don't get their way.

looks like we hit the recession 😂

if ford is lying, what's the end goal? if kavanaugh is thrown out, a different republican will be picked from the president's shortlist. the balance of the supreme court is going to be shifted regardless. what purpose would it serve to delay his appointment until closer to midterms? that's worth being charged if it's found she's not telling the truth since she was open to (and there now is) an investigation?

looks like we hit the recession 😂
I thought you meant cause we’re at page 2008

I thought you meant cause we’re at page 2008
oh i thought that was the joke

if ford is lying, what's the end goal? if kavanaugh is thrown out, a different republican will be picked from the president's shortlist. the balance of the supreme court is going to be shifted regardless. what purpose would it serve to delay his appointment until closer to midterms? that's worth being charged if it's found she's not telling the truth since she was open to (and there now is) an investigation?

The nearly $1M raised for her via crowdfunding sites

Democrats getting to stall while holding an FBI investigation over the Republicans' heads during the midterms

Maybe she has nothing to gain but the people surrounding her certainly do

And there's no way she's gonna be charged because there's no way to prove she's 100% lying either, just that her claims are unsupported.

so does anyone know if the FBI thing would continue on if they find a lead on something, or is it just a one-and-done kinda thing? less than a week with limited scope going directly into a vote seems a little restrictive for such a high-profile situation

so does anyone know if the FBI thing would continue on if they find a lead on something, or is it just a one-and-done kinda thing? less than a week with limited scope going directly into a vote seems a little restrictive for such a high-profile situation

Obviously if they find something (an actual something, not just literally anything) then it might warrant an actual investigation. Even then, it wouldn't be criminal, because again, there's not nearly enough evidence for any kind of conviction. The limited scope is so they don't drag it out into loving forever.

yeah reading up it seems like there's no hard dates set right now other than the one-week limit on the FBI's initial probe, which is good to know. i think it'd be a really poor idea for the senate to hastily move to confirm him with something like this hanging in the air so close to midterms

Why would you not confirm just because someone said he molested her with zero evidence

#metoo was started JUST so the left can begin throwing blind accusations around in attempt to block everything. its a fad meant just for that. and because of it,. both sides now dont take real accusations seriously.

good job libs, you hurt woman again.

Why can't anarchists blow up wall street in this day and age. Why did the 1920s have all the fun.