so much for the blue wave
>wins the house and loses the senate, as like everyone expectedbut ok
Unlike your stuffy oligarchy our politicians are returning to being relatable figuresSlowly but surely, one meme at a time
Also, I'm starting to find the whole Khashoggi thing a little skeevy. Why do we as a national community suddenly give a stuff about this particular journalist getting murc'd? And why is everyone so hungry to burn Annoying Orange at the stake for it? When did we start holding the CIA as a credible source of information? It all just reeks of bullstuff to me. False outrage and political grandstanding for no real reason.
Unlike your stuffy oligarchy our politicians are returning to being relatable figures
also if my political party started posting memes to get with the times (especially of other colleagues behind prison bars as image macro) i would stop voting for them, i am not a child, i do not want memes mixed with actual real life politics, that is incredibly distasteful. there is no sense between mixing the two together, its like bringing playdoh into a research lab
"i dont like my politicians making jokes"
''other colleagues behind prison bars as image macro''