Author Topic: Donnies Catch - 48882: Nonstop stuffposting  (Read 12158 times)

are we now entering that phase where anything anyone finds annoying is considered stuffposting now

he wouldn't show me his genitals

donnies is dumb
I'm dumb
kahnuu is dumb
we're all dumb
he's no worse than anybody else here imo

Also keep in mind that OP got banned twice for stuffposting in the same thread fairly recently. Double standards ahoy

You're right, you do have the right to be in whatever thread you wish to be in. However those, as stufflord, were loaded questions entirely based on a negative opinion. It's like walking into someone's house and telling them their carpet looks like a dog scraped its stuff covered ass all over it.
forget off you wanker
this is a thread about donnies catch not kahnuu

i dont think hes that bad
i've talked with him on steam and he doesnt seem like a bad guy so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Donnie is very annoying at times and seems to enjoy any sort of positive/negative attention that he can muster, but in the past few weeks, I think he's been a lot better. I'm actually quite surprised that a drama came from him at this time, but on the other hand, this is kahnuu who made this thread so no bother thinking about it.

Also keep in mind that OP got banned twice for stuffposting in the same thread fairly recently. Double standards ahoy

ok mr. i have 12 dramas

okay this has turned into

"oh yeah well you did this!"
"what about when you did that!"
"well lets remember THIS about you!"

but on the other hand, this is kahnuu who made this thread so no bother thinking about it.
holy stuff nice TOTALLY dismissive post dude grade A

ok mr. i have 12 dramas

You keep saying this like it means something

holy stuff nice TOTALLY dismissive post dude grade A
i like how this is your go-to defense for whenever anyone points out you are who you are

You keep saying this like it means something

Adding onto this, most of the drama topics about me were either really outlandish (IE Damp's drama) or resolved because I took criticism and even ended up befriending a few dudes over them. I can admit a long time ago I was really stubborn and a few drama topics I deserved. Most of those were forgetin years ago though. To put it perspective, I joined blockland when I was 13 and I'm turning 20 in a couple months.

On the flip side you're just as guilty of the things you're complaining about donnies catch doing and it's apparently dismissive to call you out for it... So he's supposed the bad guy but it's irrelevant that you're known for it?

It's dosmissive because he totally just brushed off everything and said it didn't matter just becase I was the one who was posting it.

It's dosmissive because he totally just brushed off everything and said it didn't matter just becase I was the one who was posting it.

He was implying that it's pretty much in character for you to post a poorly timed drama topic because he was surprised a drama was made now, not that what you said didn't matter because you posted it.

It's dosmissive because he totally just brushed off everything and said it didn't matter just becase I was the one who was posting it.
i think you're kind of overreacting to what he said

either way, i don't see how posts like
you're not much better
this isnt even the pot calling the kettle black
this is vantablack calling the kettle black
can be considered dismissive since they don't actively dismiss the point, just call you out for being a hypocrite