Donnies Catch - 48882: Nonstop stuffposting

Author Topic: Donnies Catch - 48882: Nonstop stuffposting  (Read 13374 times)

looks like u dont really care, what a suprise

what you're saying is "I don't like you, so your opinion doesn't matter to me" to kahnu.

No, what I'm saying is while what he says is true it is also hypocritical

Are you talking about the whole argument with Vinsk? Please point out the ''recent as of yesterday''.
nope I'm talking about is this:

what? if you want to look at a good current running show just look at stuff like steven universe

and that's supposed to mean we're supposed to give it a boost just because its made for a toy line? its a show, and we're judging it off that. and as a show, it's pretty shallow, boring, and has zero depth. but thats my opinion.

again, this doesn't mean it gets a boost for no reason. its a shallow show with 0 depth and the only appraisals you're giving me is that it's doing decently well for a toy line/girls show.
You had zero reason to be in the mlp thread if this is what you feel about it. I was just answering someone's question, the only reason to state opinions like this is for baiting.[/img]

looks like u dont really care, what a suprise
i was curious if u were actually going to do it since the last time i welcomed someone to it didn't go so well, heh..
also because i was about to start a LoL match and wanted to know if i could if u were actually going to do it.
but hey you actually did it the absolute madman.


I was not baiting. Because this fine gentlemen was asking the same questions:
I honestly don't understand why grown men like this show. Good plot and good story? Every show (well, except those animated atrocities) has that. It's not like My Little Pony is the only show in the universe with good story and good plot.

EDIT: I feel like such a loving idiot now. I bumped the post. Please, murder me at your will.

All I did was expand and ask my own questions. I have a right to be in any thread I want and ask any question about your fandom. I didn't say anything offensive towards anyone, all I did was ask about the show and critique it.


I was not baiting. Because this fine gentlemen was asking the same questions:
All I did was expand and ask my own questions. I have a right to be in any thread I want and ask any question about your fandom. I didn't say anything offensive towards anyone, all I did was ask about the show and critique it.
You're right, you do have the right to be in whatever thread you wish to be in. However those, as stufflord, were loaded questions entirely based on a negative opinion. It's like walking into someone's house and telling them their carpet looks like a dog scraped its stuff covered ass all over it.

did you come in this topic exclusively to bash kahnu over something he did that isn't relevant at all here?

did you come in this topic exclusively to bash kahnu over something he did that isn't relevant at all here?
No, I came here to state that Donnies is indeed being dumb but then I noticed op

just gonna leave this here
Oh and just a reminder that Donnies Catch is another mental case.

He's been banned on all of these alts (at least):
Toothed_Deer;u=48267 (note: furry)
Alex GShep;u=79580 (note: furry)
Toothed Deer;u=84323 (note: furry)
Folie à Deux;u=142841 (note: steven universe + serious tumblr screenshots)

i dont know what i did to vouch for this outing that a lot of people already knew anyways, but i think my last drama hopefully cleared up that i was trying my best to not really be relatable to those accounts, especially since i had a hiatus in between that latest account and this one. unlike our little friend here ive been getting lots of therapy and have been sobering so, hey, that's pretty good.

honestly feel like looking at a different person when i look at those accounts which is a nice feeling, also received lots of compliments from different people saying i changed for the better, so, makes me happy u knoo.

I think he likes to mask his wicked thoughts in flowers so they're not so wicked, but in comments like,
every time kahnuu posts i feel more and more like he's some fat white kid in his puberty holy stuff dude
, his spite is almost palpable, and more often than not, his conceit fails.

this isnt even the pot calling the kettle black
this is vantablack calling the kettle black

this isnt even the pot calling the kettle black
this is vantablack calling the kettle black

that's a dismissive post.
since when is it remotely even acceptable to disregard the entire OP and all of OPs points because he's had a rough history.

that's a dismissive post.
since when is it remotely even acceptable to disregard the entire OP and all of OPs points because he's had a rough history.
since matthew 7:1-5

if you people want to drama kanhuu do it in another thread

anyway i think everyone agrees donnies is a basket case