Author Topic: [Political] WHY do you support your presidential candidate?  (Read 4065 times)

kk phoople is just stuffposting. Ignore and do not engage

Sorry that you don't agree with my view points. I'm being serious.

found the cuckold

We've claimed the whole off topic section for Annoying Orange at this point.

Sorry that you don't agree with my view points. I'm being serious.
then thank god you're only 13

despite what I literally just posted I'll take the bait
Seriously? So because not all terrorism is committed by Muslims, the previous acts of terrorism committed by Muslims doesn't count? Most terrorists are Muslims.
Seriously? So because terrorism is committed by Muslims, then all of them should be banned for terrorism? Most Muslims aren't terrorists.

found the cuckold

You must have forgotten what message board you're on. Ironic stuffposting is still stuffposting you handicap

then thank god you're only 13
Once again, sorry that you don't agree with my view points.

despite what I literally just posted I'll take the bait Seriously? So because terrorism is committed by Muslims, then all of them should be banned for terrorism? Most Muslims aren't terrorists.

So nothing should be done about possible terrorists coming into the country?

So nothing should be done about possible terrorists coming into the country?
So nothing should be done about the billion Muslims that expected freedom in our country?

let us ignore phoople from here on.

You must have forgotten what message board you're on. Ironic stuffposting is still stuffposting you handicap
-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╯╲___卐 Don't mind me just taking ike for a walk

Oh right, surely the thousands of non-muslim-fueled domestic terrorism cases don't count for anything...

I am a Leftist Libertarian.  My ideologies align most with Sanders.  Although not all of his policies align with mine, I respect his tendency to stay away from authoritarianism.  All of the other candidates really advocate an authoritarian approach, especially Hillary and Annoying Orange.

This is what I wonder about Annoying Orange supporters.  I've heard so much in a lot of cases about their desire for equal rights.  Annoying Orange, a candidate who seeks to divide people with walls and by placing suspicion on individuals who have yet to be proven guilty; Annoying Orange, who calls for anyone of opposing view to be turned out using forceful methods, who answers curiosity piqued by an opposing view with disrespect and undue disregard.  He is intolerant and authoritarian.  It's strange to me why you guys make these claims against liberals as a whole while defending the candidate who best fits both allegations.
Welcome to the game of politics, where you have to choose the less stufftier of the stuff. Ted is horrible, Rubio dropped out, Kasich is the only person I actually like except he isn't going to win.

Annoying Orange is a candidate who wants to prevent >illegal immigrants< from entering this country, abusing our welfare system, and taking our jobs. You know how you can seek the American dream? Enter legally. Enter legally in the way my grandparents did - through Ellis Island - and suffer the process while looking for a better place.

I am not Annoying Orange when I support Annoying Orange. I am not a carbon copy of his idealogy and policy when I support Annoying Orange. I support not supporting Hillary. I actually dislike Annoying Orange - I support him begrudgingly.

I supported Bernie but Hillary's getting that nomination.

So nothing should be done about possible terrorists coming into the country?
Absolutely something should be done about possible terrorists coming into the country.

Say, do you get rid of a stuff by flushing the toilet or do you get rid of a stuff by plugging the toilet with dirt? AKA, do you solve a problem the right way or do you solve a problem by creating another problem?

let us ignore phoople from here on.

Really? I came on this thread to talk to people who have varying view points, and to expose myself to different opinions.

So nothing should be done about possible terrorists coming into the country?
Living in the United States, You have a better chance of being murdered by a white man that was born in this country than a Muslim.

Why? Because mental health care is stuff, families have been torn apart by the recession, health care is stuff, our prison system breeds criminals, and our government and citizens are at war with themselves.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 01:29:10 AM by weaver123 »

So nothing should be done about possible terrorists coming into the country?

Babies with guns kill more people than islamic terrorists here in the US. Why aren't we doing anything to counteract this potential armed baby issue? Why haven't we built concrete walls around maternity wards yet?