i like this so far
i just hate the shields

edit: flamethrowers are bullstuff too, 1 little hit takes out my shield
i have to be CONSTANTLY running away from people the entire match if they have a flamethrower, i can't be offensive at all

edit 2: shotguns ignore shields
It's not that they ignore shields. It's that anything that hits multiple times will not be affected by the fact that the shield will stop any single hit no matter how strong it is, even if it's at 0.1 HP.
The shotguns hit multiple times.
The regular shotgun hits 10 times for 10 damage. The first 5 hits will break the shield, and then the next 5 will do 50 damage.
The super shotgun hits 17 times for 8 damage. The first 7 hits will break the shield, the remaining 6 damage from the 7th hit does not carry over. The next 10 hits does 80 damage.
Unless there were any sort of changes made to these, they're more effective than snipers at close range, due to permanent health damage, but shotguns and snipers are both two hit weapons, sniper having better chance at long range.

As for the flamethrower. It's honestly stronger than the shotguns. While you can't poke from a long range with it, the damage and practically instant shield break is excessive.

set sawblade damage to 40 direct why did you listen to you
40 damage makes it a 5 hit kill weapon. Making it scary, but only useful against people who are running away. Almost all the weapons can just charge in and kill.
60 damage makes it a 3 hit kill weapon. Which is far too powerful with the coverage it provides.
There's no way to make it a 4 hit kill weapon because of the shield.
I suggest either 40 damage but increased rate of fire, or 60 damage with decreased rate of fire.

the problem is that the sawblade cannon doesn't work in the same way that other guns do; it's not actually a direct damage weapon, it's more like area denial or pressure. it's impossible to dodge (but it is possible for it to miss) because of sheer density of fire and how forgetin fast the sawblades go and the fact that bouncing sawblades are basically another person entirely firing at you from behind

if it's too powerful getting into the sawblade's turf will just instantly kill you (like it does now), and if it's too weak then there's no danger in being in the sawblade's turf in the first place. but damage isn't really the problem, it's more like a weapon focus problem; it was designed for large scale team deathmatches where teammates could harass targets from far away without necessarily dealing a lot of damage but that doesn't carry so well into a one-on-one dueling scenario

it should be 40 with the same fire rate but like 2/3rds of the muzzle velocity so that the sawblade can fill more room with more sawblades (if only because the blades are moving slower, and it'll take longer for them to escape)

I like that it doesn't work the way other guns do. And that's a pretty good idea.

When is the server coming back up? My brother and I want to practice.

Spike Cannon

a 'reverse airshot' rifle. essentially a normal semi-automatic rifle that deals 35 damage per shot but has impulse that knocks the target downward. the impulse is such that if you get 'spiked' from rocket jump height gravity will speed you up to the point that you'll probably die of fall damage

the 'spikes' themselves are probably like literally metal spikes (ie: nails) but they could just as well be some sort of shard of metal or something


an assault rifle (and really -just- an assault rifle) that heals the player when it lands hits. the damage done is almost totally negligible (like, ~5 damage a shot) but the health turnaround is like 10 health healed a hit, making fighting bloodsuckers a matter of dealing lump damage like a close-range shotgun blast or a direct missile hit

Charge Cannon
a machine gun that works on the aforementioned charge system. it fires relatively powerful shots (like, 30 damage a pop) (that sounds absurd because it totally is) but has a 40 round magazine and goes through those 40 rounds with pretty much no problem. it also has high recoil, causing you to be able to fly around the map as long as your charge holds out. which it won't.

the charge cannon regenerates charge at a rate of 1c/0.5 seconds

Gravity Grenade
the opposite of the rotary grenade. fires a grenade that explodes a certain distance out infront of you that pulls things -inward- but doesn't deal noticeable damage. the actual point is that the gravity grenade also redirects projectiles toward the inside of the grenade (and resets their ownership to the person who launched the grenade), causing anyone unfortunate enough to actually get hit by the grenade to get hit by every bullet nearby

Airburst Grenade
a grenade launcher that fires a grenade that explodes when the trigger is released, or the grenade launcher is put away. the grenade does poor 'bink' (as in, direct hit) damage but bink damage has a special damage type that actually says 'bink'

Charge Grenade
a grenade launcher that launches a grenade with larger scale but less lifetime as you charge it up. initially it fires grenades that deal like 20 direct + 40 splash damage but travel extremely far but it charges to deal 4 times that damage at 4 times the radius, but it would explode literally the instant it gets out of the barrel. to not cause yourself to explode like an idiot, you can either cancel the launch (by putting the launcher away and taking it back out again) or just launching early, to drop consistent (if short ranged) grenades

the ramp-up system is not exactly linear. when you charge a grenade it takes about a half second to reach 2x scale but it takes another 3 seconds to reach 4x scale. every time the grenade's scale reaches a new exact number, it makes a different noise, and at 3x scale it begins to emit smoke, but charging is not limited to round numbers.

Target Shotgun
this is a long ranged raycast shotgun that fires a relatively tight spread. like the team fortress 2 shotgun.

actually it's pretty much the team fortress 2 shotgun in all accounts. it fires 9 raycasts that dwindle to deal about half damage in a perfect square

o o o
o o o
o o o

like-a so

it can deal up to 50 damage a shot at close range (<32 studs) and deals up to 30 a shot at long range (>64), which is extremely good damage considering most things can't even hit at that range

Clover Missiles
a missile launcher that fires 4 missiles in a spread (not unlike the drunken rockets). unlike the drunken rockets, these rockets always fire at very specific angles; one 25 degrees upward, one 25 degrees to the side, one 25 down and one 25 to the other side

this very specific pattern of missiles makes it hard to aim traditionally but with practice you can hit multiple targets at different angles

in addition:

uses the new t+t pepperbox model. fires a normal missile storm missile but has a rocket punch-like 'open' delay. more for airshots or for pressure on the approach then for actually dealing damage

Burst Rifle
uses the t+t bullpup model. similar to the machinegun but fires in a 3 round burst that puts out slightly weaker (6 damage?) bullets faster, but the period of time between bursts slows down the dps to worse then the machine gun's close-range damage

Heater Cannon (modified)
concussion blast fires 4x the distance of a normal conc blast, but doesn't ignite. the pellets actually cover less distance then the conc blast, but they have significant enough spread that at close range you'll almost always ignite players. ideally, you would graze the target with the wide pellet spread then punt them with the conc blast and let afterburn do it's thing (or just do both in one shot, which is also reasonable)

in addition, the conc blast explodes at the end of it's lifetime/ on contact with a wall or target, dealing low damage and very low impulse, like a micromissile's explosion

Beam(u) Rifle
i'll just send you this it's fine

did you make all of those? because if you did you should release the spinfusor

i thought i had 'things to add:' at the top of that post but oops guess not

you could also add the sniper rifle, shotgun, machine gun, disintegrator and dual revolvers from
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 05:14:35 PM by Bushido »

hey uh i got a few models to fit in with bushido's ideas in case you want them

has quite some good models i can guarantee

most sequences are either fire or reload, i've included ms3d files in case you wanna edit anything

checks out

we should also consider phasing out stuff like the twin spam rifles and twin bayonets and replace them with khain's models/ different themes but still fundamentally similar gameplay

uh, free submarines???

dang i missed out on the free submarines

there was a map crCIA
there's now a 16 player cap

nerf twin smgs to 10 damage / hit and buff mg to 15 / hit