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Author Topic: DOOM Reboot  (Read 4022 times)

motherforgeters need to stop doing this
doom 4
not doom
thief 4
not thief
you loving cunts I will strangle all of you who do this

not sonic 06

This is gonna turn out just like Duke Nukem Forever. There will be hype when it is released, then it will be totally dead after a month.

why are there loadouts
why are there loadouts
why is there a two weapon limit
why is there something like the Battlefront II Hero
why is the armor design absolute ass
why are there Titanfall Burn Cards
why is there a loving cutscene button melee attack
why is there a melee button at all
why is the gun model so loving big

I feel like this doom 4 should've had the weapons centered, like the originals. forget loadouts, too. Why is there loving loadouts in the first place?

to appeal to casual players

its repetitive
just like the original

To be fair Loadouts were in Quake Live and it worked fine there.

To be fair Loadouts were in Quake Live and it worked fine there.

worked so fine that they disabled them being on by default because they're so stuff lmao

Bethesda you did alright with Wolfenstein. Why did you forget up doom?

Bethesda you did alright with Wolfenstein. Why did you forget up doom?

The multiplayer is being made by a different studio then the singleplayer.

i kept pressing shift in the vain hope that my movement speed would be at a fun pace

The multiplayer is being made by a different studio then the singleplayer.

How can you forget up doom? It's such a simple concept.

How can you forget up doom? It's such a simple concept.
by apparently going for a Halo clone instead