Author Topic: progress ad venture  (Read 142095 times)

just stand there and twiddle your thumbs


twiddle twiddle.

you don't actually know what "twiddling your thumbs" mean. you're just guessing.

ponder when you will get paid for this stuff

everyone knows that it's not about the money, it's about the passion, the joy of enlightening others to the beauty of consumerism

oh but advertisers get 5.5% of all profits made by the company its part of the employee handbook

but, you know, not that it matters to you or anything

marvel at those fashionable suits

wow. it's incredible. it must be real... uh, fabric.

damn. you wonder what you'd have to do to get one of those.

although the ties are said to be the most valuable part, mostly because they're the only non-black thing about them

he slaps your hand away, because that's creepy




it really is creepy

more soon

since when did your hand become a waffle

seth r u ok seth

since when did your hand become a waffle
those are joints you dumby
think of it like a skeleton hand but more square
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 01:36:43 PM by TableSalt »

Ask the men in suits what exactly you're supposed to manage.

Ask the men in suits what exactly you're supposed to manage.
Promoted to management? So what can you manage? Anything more on the paper?
Ask if this "promotion" is actually a demotion in disguise, just to be sure
read the fine print of the paper
you might be signing away your soul

you already signed your soul away in the employee training so...

but still. you take a closer look.

a really closer look.


layers upon layers of fine print.

it's incredibly and impressively unethical.

so that's uh, standard procedure.

but who cares!!! you're getting promoted!!! break out the champagne!!!

oh, reading, right, uh

it also says you're going to get your own office and be able to make "strategic business management decisions for procurement of consumer assets"

y'know, whatever that means


more soon

sign it with the blood that guy you touched with the suit

sign it with the blood that guy you touched with the suit
resist the urge to kill a company official and use your own "blood"

pay for an ad-battery
will automatically charge all ad dispensing devices overtime

have we gotten to 10000 ads on the phone yet

resist the urge to kill a company official and use your own "blood"
you will not kill him; only cut his arm off
merely a flesh wound

"strategic business management decisions for procurement of consumer assets"
Translation: Steal stuff legally

sign it with the blood that guy you touched with the suit
you will not kill him; only cut his arm off
merely a flesh wound
resist the urge to kill a company official and use your own "blood"

you resist the urge to lop off his arm and use his blood to sign it.

not that you would need to, there's no where to sign on the thing. i guess that means you don't have much of a choice???????

pay for an ad-battery
will automatically charge all ad dispensing devices overtime

yes, a b-ad-ery if you will.

you're not actually going to do that, you just wanted to make that joke

also ask why their cigarette smoke is red

cigarettes are just another part of looking real business like. so is the redness. it comes with the suits

here, try one.

c'mon, you don't wanna wuss out, do you?

you succumb to peer pressure.

you don't look nearly as professional as you thought you would.

more soon

accidentally cough red smoke in his face