Author Topic: some of my grades right now are bullstuff  (Read 5691 times)

i have like 3 weeks of school left and my grades are down the toilet, but upon going through all of them, it doesn't really add up


I got an 86, a 76 and a 72 on three summatives, and the formatives in this class shouldn't weigh down my grade so I have no clue why my average is a 65. Plus, I turned in my bibliography format and source chart and it's still marked as a zero. I even told her about it.


The two missing summatives at the top aren't due yet, so they don't count. I did get a 43 on one summative, but it doesn't matter because I got a 91, an 83, an 87 and a 90 on the rest. Does that really average out to around a 67? I'm missing four formatives, but two of them barely weigh down stuff.

Drivers Ed:

My summative assignments got an 85, an 88, a 75, a 60, a 100 and another 100. Doesn't really average to 64.9/65. The formative I'm missing I turned in late because I was out sick but I have no clue if he'll even put it in. I also made up Activity #2 and completed all of it but I really don't know if he'll revise that either. A 64.9% doesn't make sense to me.


Geometry loving sucks, everything on this list is correct. My teacher is the worst math teacher I've ever had and i've had him for two years. He cares more about making black jokes and doing stupid monday stuff than actually teaching his students. It's not only me that can't learn from him. The last test we took, 4 people passed it. FOUR people out of like 23 students got above a 70%. He then goes to blame all of us for "cheating on homework" and "not taking notes", but wouldn't it be kind of a wake up call when only 4 of your students pass your test? There's at least 10 people right now failing his class, and he's more worried about making jokes about fried chicken and chitterlings than to actually teach his class. None of the white people want to be in there because right now it's just a bunch of black people laughing at his stupid jokes.

Do you try to study outside of class for geometry or do you rely solely on the in-class instruction?
You might try learning geometry by doing your own research. Even if the teacher is awful, complaining about it won't help you learn anything.

Geometry loving sucks, everything on this list is correct. My teacher is the worst math teacher I've ever had and i've had him for two years. He cares more about making black jokes and doing stupid monday stuff than actually teaching his students. It's not only me that can't learn from him. The last test we took, 4 people passed it. FOUR people out of like 23 students got above a 70%. He then goes to blame all of us for "cheating on homework" and "not taking notes", but wouldn't it be kind of a wake up call when only 4 of your students pass your test? There's at least 10 people right now failing his class, and he's more worried about making jokes about fried chicken and chitterlings than to actually teach his class. None of the white people want to be in there because right now it's just a bunch of black people laughing at his stupid jokes.
start passing tests

how about you stop being on the blockland forums and focus on school

At the risk of sounding brusque, the only one responsible for the success of your tests is you. Poor teacher or no, the geometry he covers isn't any different from the geometry taught elsewhere. I echo the above sentiment by LegoPepper about independent study; often times stepping back and looking through the material yourself is a great help. There are plenty of great geometry resources online.

The other grades seem due to clerical oversight and/or weighting. I suggest speaking with your teachers about the weighting system.

well you're forgeted
looks like i'll be seeing you in summer school, big boy

Start doing your work instead of bitching on the forums. Check to see if you still have the syllabi of your classes and see how the work is weighed. Reason I say that is because of those grades below 50% (especially the zeroes) can and will screw you over big time (speaking from experience, first half of this school year), especially when the maximum amount of points you can get is something huge like 100.

tl;dr: Stop being a whiny bitch and do your loving work.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2016, 12:15:33 PM by Space1255 »

I got an 86, a 76 and a 72 on three summatives, and the formatives in this class shouldn't weigh down my grade so I have no clue why my average is a 65. Plus, I turned in my bibliography format and source chart and it's still marked as a zero. I even told her about it.
You're getting a bad grade because like half of your assignments are 0's. Getting a zero on even one assignment is usually enough to tank your grade just because of how averages work.

you literally have a zero on a forty-five point assignment and an f on a writing test in your English class alone

talk to your teachers and turn in any missing assignments you might have

I had all Fs' for the last two years, and now I'm rockin 2 A's, 3 C's, and two B' s.
You don't have to try hard to get good grades.

I had all Fs' for the last two years, and now I'm rockin 2 A's, 3 C's, and two B' s.
You don't have to try hard to get good grades.
Except some people do. :|

Except some people do. :|
when u have all b's and you've done nothing in any of your classes for like 2 months

You don't have to try hard to get good grades.
tbh it depends on where in the school year you are. If you're in Trog's situation, he'll have to do a fan-loving-tastic miracle to get his grades at least at C level.

tbh it depends on where in the school year you are. If you're in Trog's situation, he'll have to do a fan-loving-tastic miracle to get his grades at least at C level.

What's going on with Trog's grades?

Jokes aside, I was in a position like your geometry one, I just did summer school so I wouldn't have to see those teachers again and I got my credits.

Except some people do. :|

i feel bad for people stupid enough to have to try :(