Author Topic: Subnautica Megathread [Fully Released!] [Possible New Expansion Pack]  (Read 20474 times)

This looks like a really cool game. It's a shame my computer can barely run Minecraft, let alone this beauty of a game. Also, money problems exist.

It's a beautiful game but last time I played there was a bit of an issue with the moon(s). It looked like the developers were experimenting with a 3D moon but forgot to update the skybox.

The new 3D moon felt far too close so if they can tweak the distance I think it will look wonderful.

Unknown Worlds is now planning on getting this out of early access by October 31st. Because of this, Subnautica's price will increased by 25%. It's currently $19.99 US dollars but it will increase to $24.99 on launch.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 06:42:51 PM by Subnautica »

After 3 years of hard work, Unknown Worlds has finally released Subnautica from it's alpha state. Here's the current Cinematic Trailer and Gameplay Trailer that was released with this new update.
Cinematic Trailer
Gameplay Trailer
(Click the image above to watch the videos)

i bought the game because the ocean is cool and stuff

also wtf vr???? that would be trippy as hell

I'd get this rad game if it weren't for my laptop being so old :(
This might be one of the first games I get after I update my setup tbh despite the fact that I have a minor phobia of huge sea creatures

just played the game, the fish are so adorable i feel so bad for transmogrifying them into distilled water so i dont die

edit i found a bunch of stalkers playing twister

edit 2 i now have a phobia of extremely open spaces, thanks game
« Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 05:22:42 AM by Nix the Glaceon »

I don't know if this would be an interesting game to speedrun but for some reason I feel like attempting a speedrun of this.

I'm so happy for the game :')

I got it, and I really like it, but things really slow down fast. I don't like the mechanic of hunting the sea floor for random blueprints; it doesn't add anything and it's just tedium.

Unknown Worlds have released a small update which fixes a various amount of bugs that were still present in the full release. This update includes the following bug fixes:
  • Main menu button texts update correctly when switching languages
  • In-game menu button text colors fixed
  • F8 panel fully translated
  • Cyclops flooding leak indicators now clearly outside of the hull
  • Controller navigation and selection boxes fixed
  • Builder menu usable with swapped mouse buttons
  • Lifepod fabricator lighting fixed
  • Cyclops hatch door collider fixed
  • Disallow poster placement where wall lockers are disallowed
  • Non-localized text removed from color customization terminal
  • Physics bugs with ion cubes and precursor keys fixed
  • End-game achievements now trigger
  • Lost river creatures now immune to brine
  • Player mask now correctly lit
  • Can not despawn Aurora by building a base next to it anymore
  • Seamoth hatch animation fixed
  • Changing quality settings in game reminds player to restart the game
  • Time capsule UI simplified
  • Pathfinder tool recipe adjusted
  • Entering exosuit while sprinting fixed
  • Fixed saved game rocket not being ready for launch
  • Reduced hitching when rebuilding a base
  • Fixed moonpool ladders not working properly when cinematics have been skipped
  • Time capsule fixes for various platforms
  • Added option to turn off subtitles.
  • Updated TimeCapsuleTitleFormat
  • Fixed base interiors looking incorrect when viewed from inside a vehicle or another base
  • Fixed Cyclops interior not looking correct when viewed from a vehicle
  • Fixed low LOD of certain base windows
  • Re-caching of entire world (to help with hitching a little)
  • Options menu screen resolution fix
  • Fixed localization of deconstruction errors
  • Added TimeCapsuleTitleFormat to English.json
  • Translator credits update
  • Translation updates
Since this update dosen't add anything new to this game other than a few major bug fixes, it won't be featured in the OP.

why do people think subnautica is scary??? sure some people have a phobia of deep waters but come on man
the stalkers and sand sharks can easily be avoided by maneuvering around them when they charge, and they only charge once


why do people think subnautica is scary??? sure some people have a phobia of deep waters but come on man
the stalkers and sand sharks can easily be avoided by maneuvering around them when they charge, and they only charge once
why do people think outlast is scary??? come on man chris walker can be easily avoided by sneaking around him

you would think it would by obvious why some people think a game that involves ginormous, pitch black areas that have absolutely massive monsters that can show up from anywhere because you can't see stuff might be scary

why do people think subnautica is scary??? sure some people have a phobia of deep waters but come on man
the stalkers and sand sharks can easily be avoided by maneuvering around them when they charge, and they only charge once

if you think stalkers and sand sharks are the worst things in the game, just you wait

Does the ocean completely freak anyone else out? or is it just me.