Author Topic: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums  (Read 293917 times)

i'm actually curious what ephialtes has been up to lately. dude was actually pretty chill despite all the bullstuff some parts of the community gave him.

i'm actually curious what ephialtes has been up to lately. dude was actually pretty chill despite all the bullstuff some parts of the community gave him.
Yeah, no, after I realized how weird it was for him to solict nudes of me while i was still in highschool I am not a fan.

i'm actually curious what ephialtes has been up to lately. dude was actually pretty chill despite all the bullstuff some parts of the community gave him.
If you thought Ephialtes was chill, then you didn't know Ephialtes

Yeah, no, after I realized how weird it was for him to solict nudes of me while i was still in highschool I am not a fan.
He also apparently had it out for Kalphiter for some reason
Using a sockpuppet account in his Kaphost thread

Using an exploit that took down a bunch of servers instead of simply telling Kalphiter about his broken system, and then admitting that he did it
Quote from: Ephialtes
Quote from: IkeTheGeneric
Constant force of two guys trying to one-up each other.
It's not like I spend time planning this out. It's more like "Oh look, Kalphiter's made some more handicapped stuff that doesn't work, time to have some fun." - and then I have some fun.
Quote from: IkeTheGeneric
Quote from: Ephialtes
It's not like I spend time planning this out. It's more like "Oh look, Kalphiter's made some more handicapped stuff that doesn't work, time to have some fun." - and then I have some fun.
What would be even more fun is to let him be oblivious about the broken stuff he makes so somebody else actually exploits it.
Quote from: Ephialtes
Quote from: IkeTheGeneric
What would be even more fun is to let him be oblivious about the broken stuff he makes so somebody else actually exploits it.
No I exploited it to the limit. As far as I can tell I just started up so many Blockland instances that it saturated all the memory and killed everything. It was good fun.

Just acting very petty in general
Quote from: Ephialtes
Kalphiter just has a special place in my heart as that autistic kid from the internet who has an unhealthy obsession with me - so only he gets the special treatment I'm afraid.

And almost banning Taboo just for calling him dumb
Quote from: .::Taboo::.
well they're both rather dumb, but you know.
Quote from: IkeTheGeneric
Ephialtes    09:05:14 AM    Viewing .::Taboo::.'s profile.

He looked at this thread and then looked at taboo's profile?

This won't turn out well.
Quote from: Ephialtes
Quote from: IkeTheGeneric
This won't turn out well.
I was going to, but he's just not worth the effort.

And that's just a few examples

These guys said it best
Quote from: Greek2Me
Quote from: Ephialtes
Kalphiter just has a special place in my heart as that autistic kid from the internet who has an unhealthy obsession with me - so only he gets the special treatment I'm afraid.
Hahaha That wasn't funny.

You know, I normally wouldn't take sides, but insulting him isn't earning you any favors. It just makes me think that Kalphiter's right and that you're acting like a little kid.
Quote from: Qwepir
Quote from: Ephialtes
Kalphiter just has a special place in my heart as that autistic kid from the internet who has an unhealthy obsession with me - so only he gets the special treatment I'm afraid.
I would expect better of a moderator than to partake in petty grudges like this one.
Quote from: Greek2me
Ephi's a moderator though. Moderators shouldn't be doing stuff like this. If they do, they shouldn't be moderators much longer.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2023, 06:44:26 AM by Masterlegodude »

Ephialtes admits to destroying Kalphiter's hosting service with an exploit, and previously removed proof of his actions
Ephialtes creates alt 'Goldeen', Kalphiter confirms their identity
Added these as evidence that Ephi should have lost his moderator status long before his leave in 2014

And these are in addition to what would later be said about having his adminship moderator status removed
Petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship

2nd petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship

It's honestly tragic that the creator of our beloved RTB (both in it's original mod and later add-on form) turned out to be such a creep and a petty jerk

I guess I should clarify with something I only just noticed is that he's not as much older than me as I though (according to age his on profile, if that's correct) so he might have been only 20 at the time himself, not sure. Still pretty weird for a moderator to ask of a regular member of the community.

(but perhaps my pereception of him at the time as older should point out to at least a power/influence disparity that would make asking a highschooler such things still pretty cringe,  im sure people would debate bout this though cause some people haven't given much thought into consent-related dynamics)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 01:57:37 PM by Ladios »

My only recollection of Ephi was me asking him to approve my AR2 I made with Frog/Navaro over RTB while he was stufffaced drunk

wish rtb got handed off though. really screwed the community (addon development and otherwise) with that service going away without a formal handoff process to either a different person or different mod system

dang i forgot how much weird stuff Ephi did. I'm sure being a mod was a very thankless job, and I'm always thankful for bad stuff getting removed so that little-kid-me didn't see it back in 2010 as a lurker, but dang. Dude definitely did not conduct himself well at all lol

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Almost forgot to keep this thread active

Merry Christmas from your local BLF chronologist
« Last Edit: December 25, 2023, 07:36:49 AM by Masterlegodude »

Thanks to SBG for reminding me that 'Blocklander/Forumer of the year' is still somehow a thing we have done consistently every year since 2013

god save us if this threat becomes too old to post in
edit: still happy one of my threads managed to make it in the chronology despite no one else caring about it :.)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2024, 01:46:11 AM by Ceist »

Koden has passed away
Bushido passed away
What an absolute dog stuff year this is turning out to be not even three weeks in. Roll this mess back to 2019, we deserve a do-over.

Thanks to SBG for reminding me that 'Blocklander/Forumer of the year' is still somehow a thing we have done consistently every year since 2013
no problem

as for the ephialtes discussion, i just read through some of those links you posted and holy moly that guy is such a jerk. it must have been a breath of fresh air when his admin was finally gone.

also, kalph's post aged pretty well considering ephi only lasted one more year after this.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 12:55:11 AM by SBG »

i actually had Ephi (Matt Matthews I think was his name) as a friend on Skype back then and managed a few conversations with him, which thinking back was probably kinda groomy.

I thought he was the coolest stuff, until I learned just how much of an starfish he was. So much in fact, that I've just started telling people that he died in a car accident and leave it at that, because for all we know he could have and I wouldn't care.

He truly was a power hungry, piece of stuff opinionated person with little regard for the actual community. He rode on his high horse of developing Return to Blockland, only to eventually give up on one of the greatest mod managers because of god I can't even remember.

Either way, he was an entitled prick who had little positivity, his sole usefulness was managing a mod manager and occasionally deleting spam from the forums, the rest of the time he spent bitching and being a bitch.

yeah, i think this is how my memory served me from that guy, i dunno. weird dude.

(viewing this and my previous post in the "recent posts" is a wild transition, whoops.)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2024, 09:06:55 PM by Dillpickle »