Author Topic: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums  (Read 297329 times)

If you thought a forum being infested with parasites was "entertaining", then you were part of the problem

None of that was good activity, it was activity people could have lived without
awesome so thats why discussion these last couple years has been so much better except it still sucks and you don't know what you're talking about
also parasites lol

I don't think posting huge text from songs in Devil May Cry like Nigel was doing was contributing anything to the forum tbh, there's dumb toxicity that causes engagement and then there's just straight spam that doesn't have a place anywhere.

awesome so thats why discussion these last couple years has been so much better except it still sucks and you don't know what you're talking about
also parasites lol
Expand on your opinion rather than just stuffting on people

Expand on your opinion rather than just stuffting on people
give me one good reason

give me one good reason
wowe it's handicap

edit: fastest argument I've had in a long time. Nice, forums are back.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2022, 07:45:35 PM by Soukuw »

give me one good reason
Edgelord refuses to elaborate epic sigma style

I agree that not reporting bannable offenses / ignoring them was a large problem for the forums at one point. On the flipside, tasteful banter and differing opinions made for a good thermometer reading on how you can choose to look at a topic from different angles and further enrich one's own communication styles.

forget me i forgot about that. legendary thread

ever wonder why blockland is stuck in revision 2033? 2033 marks exactly 2000 years after the death of christ assuming he was killed by the jews and hung on the cross at the age of 33 which is the highest degree of the freemasons because they celebrate his death as a win - and when he comes back to play blockland he might be like "this is pretty cool" and revive it after playing for a few days

legendary thread
I wont quote you on that, even though I just actually did, but it's probably so

edit: fastest argument I've had in a long time. Nice, forums are back.

awesome so thats why discussion these last couple years has been so much better except it still sucks and you don't know what you're talking about

« Last Edit: June 10, 2022, 06:53:08 AM by Goth77 »

ever wonder why blockland is stuck in revision 2033? 2033 marks exactly 2000 years after the death of christ assuming he was killed by the jews and hung on the cross at the age of 33 which is the highest degree of the freemasons because they celebrate his death as a win - and when he comes back to play blockland he might be like "this is pretty cool" and revive it after playing for a few days
I bet Jesus Christ himself wouldn't know that there's been decades worth of user-made add-ons since this game has no links to the forums nor it's add-ons board

Forever doomed to play the vanilla version of Blockland unbeknownst of the fun and quality of life improvements that have been made over the years, all because Badspot neglected to ever promote and link to the forums for his game, in his game

Truly a sad fate...

forget man, what a sad time. When you find out those you looked up to as a kid begin to pass away. The fragility of life huh.

I mean I made a thread referencing harassment I got as a kid like 11 years ago, this forum was toxic af and I hate that it's managed to stain the community and any following branching communities.

i cant believe post real life pics is too old :( the final nail huh

is this forum internet archived i never wanna forget how toxic i used to be

Technically there might be a way to bump it if a certain method for one to edit their post still works, or if we can raise Rotondo from the dead to bring it back

I wish it were so but truly-