Author Topic: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums  (Read 301526 times)

Should we add Tekari getting hacked? Pretty odd that someone on a dead lego game forum that requires a game key (Not that you can make postable accounts anymore) still managed to get hacked and post a virus link.

Sure, i'll toss it on there for now just because things have been so slow around here

Man, this really is a blast to the past. Thanks for the good reads.

Man, this really is a blast to the past. Thanks for the good reads.
i remember you

"the tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living"

Man, this really is a blast to the past. Thanks for the good reads.

Same here, been pretty whack opening up the time capsule. We sure had some good times. Sadly, good times never last. I hope y'all are doing well since I've last spoke.

It’s crazy what happened over the years in this community. Good job being such a great historian Masterlegodude.

Man, this really is a blast to the past. Thanks for the good reads.

Same here, been pretty whack opening up the time capsule. We sure had some good times. Sadly, good times never last. I hope y'all are doing well since I've last spoke.
It’s crazy what happened over the years in this community. Good job being such a great historian Masterlegodude.
I'm just putting together a list, it's everyone who suggests the items on the list that make it what it is

And as a reminder, Plastiware made the original chronology, i just decided to take over when he didn't feel like updating his anymore, but this was his idea nonetheless
« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 08:55:12 PM by Masterlegodude »

This is probably gonna be the last bump from me unless something actually interesting/noteworthy happens between now and the topic becoming too old

Dont you dare let this go master lego dude

There's nothing new or exciting happening and i don't want to get anyone's hopes up when i bump this thread with nothing new

There's nothing new or exciting happening and i don't want to get anyone's hopes up when i bump this thread with nothing new
in January 2021 the blockland vending machine thread turned 15 years old.

jesus loving christ
it really is gone