Author Topic: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums  (Read 301541 times)


I've been told by my handler, that I'm not allowed to discuss most of these matters.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2021, 05:32:30 AM by Black and White »


I've been told by my handler, that I'm not allowed to discuss most of these matters.
Damn I just threw up in my mouth a little


I've been told by my handler, that I'm not allowed to discuss most of these matters.

Are you okay?


Are you okay?

Yea I'm alright, just a bad day, plus I'm stupid and say stupid things.

New Years 2022 has been added

I wish we could still post in the Rice Debate thread, because I just made rice.

god, seeing 2021 having the least events is killing me inside, it's like saying goodbye to an old friend

proud to be immortalized in this thread

god, seeing 2021 having the least events is killing me inside, it's like saying goodbye to an old friend
Do not fear. 2022 is the year of Blockland. Just you wait.

Do not fear. 2022 is the year of Blockland. Just you wait.
with speedkart remastered i think we might have a chance

User was banned for this post

Badspot bans someone for the first time in quite a while, I think.

Given the fact new accounts can no longer be created and that this is now a rare event, I think this is important for the chronology.

when the year is so slow a single ban is considered newsworthy

I have to make a new OP anyway since the first two are now full, so i guess i could start adding in bans post-no registrations/battle royale mode just for the heck of it

This is the new makeshift OP
Boltster admits to specifically targeting Lord Tony in a troll attempt
The BLF has a serious discussion about cooking rice
The Blockland Forums reaches a record low of 6 posts on July 8th
New Years 2022 - 86 players
« Last Edit: January 13, 2022, 05:57:50 PM by Masterlegodude »