
Do you like our projects?

Yes, you guys are very dedicated
105 (63.3%)
I do but they are too big to be hosted, sadly
13 (7.8%)
I am called badspot and i dont know what an add on is!
19 (11.4%)
This group is the last defence against cancer
21 (12.7%)
Your add-ons are great!
8 (4.8%)

Total Members Voted: 164

Author Topic: Cohort [Medieval City]  (Read 79029 times)


"We are a merry company of co-operating colleagues who find our comfortable existance
 as a tool in the concerning of our coldhearted conquest of the corked blockland community."

- cheesy Sleven

"Sylv no"
- Antj


During his years in Blockland, wandering the endless studded steppes of slate, Sleven became increasinly aware of the joy of building together.
On 4th March in the year of Our Block 2013, he chose to take this joy to a new level and unite those he deeply enjoyed working with.
Thus Cohort came to be.


We hope to be recognised as at top provider of memorable creations, servers, events and other Blockland products that can be easily
enjoyed by the community. We, the Cohort Team, are here because we want to make a difference. We want to encourage
tutoring and inspiring those in need, and welcome any questions concerning architectural supremacy[sic!], ideas, and current activities.

We decided to make a new thread because Sleven could not update the old one very often
We also decided to bury the "clan" part, we are more a group of friends that like to build together
Yes, we build good stuff that we enjoy to share with others people :)

I will now present our group, and no application is needed, but of course, you need to build nicely :P

- UngaBunga (20419) (active) [at the top, because he asked]
- Sleven (4540) Builder (active)
- Sylvanor (118) Builder (active)
- Whostolemacar (26554) Builder (active)
- Ant (8865) Builder/Modeler (busy irl)
- Mr.Noßody (6480) Builder/modeler (active)
- 1 (?) Brick Creator (unactive)
- Brickitect (24378) (active)
- UngaBunga (20419) (active)

We can plant bricks in order, look:

Blocko Seattle - Sylvanor, Sleven - 2008/2011 Released

Utopia City - Sylvanor, Lordy Lord, Ladezkik, Monkeyboy, Sleven and many others! 2011/2013 Released

Cohort Laboratories - Sylvanor, Sleven, Whostolemahcar, Skill4life, Dione, Blocktim, Ephialtes Started in 2010 Wip

A Random Spaceship - Sylvanor, Whostolemacar, Gunny - 2013 Halted

An American City - Or Blocko Seattle 2 - 2014/2015 Canceled

A Russian City - Sylvanor, ANT, Hoogle, Sleven, Blocktim, Dione, Tally, Bricki, Jamjar, Cougar - 2015 - Current - 98%

A 1910 era Cruise Ship - Sylvanor, ANT, 1 - 2016 - Current - 77%

The Titanic - Sylvanor, ANT, Leetzero - 2016/2017 - Canceled

A Medieval City - Sylvanor, Skill4life, Sleven, Ungabunga, Blocktim, Heedicalking, ANT - 2017 - Current - 85%

Entropy Manor - Mr.Noßody - 2014/2017 - Current - 55%(?)

German Type VII-C Uboat - ANT - 2016/2017 - Done

Various Projects - UngaBunga - 2017 - Current - Alltime

Another City Yet - Sylvanor, ANT, Sleven, Brickitect - 2016/2017 - Current - 70%(?)

Bunker TDM - Sleven - 2014/2017 - Current - ???%(?)

St Basil Cathedral (Tetris) - Sylvanor - 2017 - Done

You can't apply to Cohort, if we judge you fit the standards we will contact you (well you can but it need to be good perfect)
Ultra ban list: Pass, Mesa
« Last Edit: April 03, 2018, 09:09:20 PM by Sylvanor »

And now, Our add-ons
Download all of them on our website: http://www.cohortteam.com/

Modular Trees pack v1.1 You can paint the trunks and the leaves separatly

Modular Books (with prints) Size and the inclinaison randomly change when placed.

Tub Chairs 4 bricks, 2 models, A sofa and an armchair. 2 models out of grid.

Techology pack A and B (Download Pack B only for the moment!) Support_door is required!
Random technlology stuff, flasks, meth lab and screens.

Space Stuff 1 planet hologram, 1 keypad, and 4 doors! Enjoy!

Next to be released: Animated machinery props (pistons, gears...), Poles Bricks

« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 07:00:51 PM by Sylvanor »

Private add-ons, featured on our server Only, By ANT

« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 07:12:24 PM by Sylvanor »

so out of curiosity why was a new thread made?

Sleven plays less blockland and could not update the front page of the thread very often

reserved again because, we have the best building stuff around lol WIP


Very jealous of ANT's plane models, haha. Love the Gustav and Spitty

those planes are fricking beautiful :O excellent, useful add-ons too

It pains me that i couldnt ~Reserve~ the spot right after title

everybody should check out these ships and U-boats in person. the amount of detail put into each one is staggering with crazy attention paid to historical accuracy, models for moving parts, etc. cohort has really set a standard for building nautical vessels.

i like a lot the 1st one with wooden planks! very finnish

I concur on table 1 although the completely flat top one looks about as good

what? lol
also, i built this little pirate town at heed's place

« Last Edit: August 27, 2016, 09:28:10 PM by Sylvanor »