
maps and terrain vs legos

both (separate worlds)
28 (48.3%)
9 (15.5%)
5 (8.6%)
maps/terrain with legos replacing random objects
8 (13.8%)
other (post! please do!)
8 (13.8%)

Total Members Voted: 58

Author Topic: supersuit goes mad and thinks he can make blockland 2 [maps & terrain vs legos?]  (Read 14655 times)

Bump: Did I mention I'm making my own engine now, and in C++? I need to mention that for the non-Discord people. I'm taking the time to make my own engine because I don't have to deal with engine restrictions. It'll take longer, but I'll have more power.
This whole post is hilarious on multiple levels.

Bump: Did I mention I'm making my own engine now, and in C++? I need to mention that for the non-Discord people. I'm taking the time to make my own engine because I don't have to deal with engine restrictions. It'll take longer, but I'll have more power.
I don't think you realize how tough that is going to be, especially when it's just only you (or maybe a few people) coding. Good luck.

You're literally acting like me many years ago when I thought everything was easy to make: https://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=173237.0 *Also warning how terrible I was back then
« Last Edit: September 11, 2016, 08:10:34 PM by Kyuande »

Dude, I (probably) could've had a basic prototype working in Unity with a few more days of coding, since I had all the theoretical stuff written out, but I didn't work on it because of engine restrictions (how many 1x1s can Unity support before it gets slow, purely graphically?).
And yes, this is going to be a tough thing to do, but I'm going to try. I'm at least going to learn C++.

Thing is, if I make an engine, almost nothing is impossible unless there's no library for it anywhere. It'll be best for modding, most importantly, as I can handle mods the way I think is best.

Also, anyone who doesn't believe in me: did you read the topic title? I'm not sure if I believe in me, but I'm trying anyways.

Dude, I (probably) could've had a basic prototype working in Unity with a few more days of coding,
That's because you're using an existing game engine, you barely need any coding knowledge for it to work.

Thing is, if I make an engine, almost nothing is impossible unless there's no library for it anywhere. It'll be best for modding, most importantly, as I can handle mods the way I think is best.
Of course it will be possible to do anything, but you have to make tons of coding, thousands of lines for each thing you make (most likely), it will take a super long time especially when there's only a few devs.

Do you even know what library you should use to display your game if you use c++? (Such as OpenGL, SDL, DirectX, etc)
Since display libraries already exist it would be better to use them instead of making your own (unless you want to do something different than what they do)

You haven't really shown any progress of the game (I only see basic images that anyone can easily load up in Unity), or any knowledge of coding.

how have i never seen this thread before

honestly it's better to use an already made game engine than making your own
you don't have any knowledge of C++ so it'll take years for you to even make a game engine that will look decent
not only that, but what are your limitations? have you even tried or done research on what many 1x1 bricks would cause the game to lag a buttforget ton?

how many 1x1s can Unity support before it gets slow, purely graphically?
I can tell you right now it can handle more than any custom engine you will make in the next 5 years.

for forgetS SAKE, just use t3d and stop trying to make your own. you aren't any respectable programmer, so just start off with a base and work up

for forgetS SAKE, just use t3d and stop trying to make your own. you aren't any respectable programmer, so just start off with a base and work up

also, your fps issues are most likely due to the fact that you're rendering all sides of the 1x1 when you can stop rendering the sides if they're covered, the top, etc.

step 1: learn c++
step 2: ???
step 3: blockland 2

We all know you can't achieve this, but you are going to go further using unity than you are doing c++ 101 and trying to build an engine from scratch lol

So you're going to make a "better", "more powerful" engine than Unity 5, alone, in C++?

And you don't yet know C++?

there aren't a lot of people i know i could say that they are capable of making a game engine. do you know anything about informatics? optimization? basic computer sciences? do you even know why having lots of 1x1 plates lags you graphically? let alone solve that problem? knowing c++ doesn't mean you instantly become a good coder. game engines take a lot more than meets the eye (unless you're going to just assemble it from a bunch of libraries and then i don't know how well you could succeed)

you are overestimating yourself. why do you think unity is as popular as it is? do you think it's going to be that easy to make a more powerful engine? do you even know what kind of skilled people made unity? what about literally every other game engine?

for forgetS SAKE, just use t3d and stop trying to make your own. you aren't any respectable programmer, so just start off with a base and work up

No, don't use t3d, it doesn't solve any of the problems we have. It's still got the same netcode that was written for dial up times, the same stuff show that is torkscript, and it's still slow.

So far I've seen one single game made with this engine (beamng drive), and the first thing they did was throw out torkscript and replace it with lua.