Author Topic: Tezuni - Blacklisted me for disliking his City RP  (Read 7824 times)

wow this drama is everywhere
the only real issue here is banning you off of the rest of tezuni's servers, I'd understand the cityrpg server but banning you off of every tezuni server is too much

Oh right deary me I seem to have forgotten that being the one with the most power excuses you for acting like an irredeemable forgetwit.

Get real here, Damp, just because you throw the party doesn't mean you can throw literal stuff at your guests because "it's your party."
yeah it does. establishing that your party is on your grounds, means that you can throw anyone out. you don't even have to have a reason to.

sure your going to look like a richard to civilized humans. but at the end of the day, it's your property or your server. the law doesn't say "you cant kick people out of your house without good reason" and that works the same for your server. if tezuni doesn't want queeba on his server, he shouldn't be forced to keep him.

but what makes your argument and queebas argument utter bullstuff is the fact that this post:
Tezuni's Blue City / All city RPs.
They are all dumb iBan edits that are just huge grindfests.
The only promising city roleplays are Suburbia and Profitopia.
this post was only there to bash the server. queeba litterally doesn't provide any constructive criticism. all he loving did was compare tezuni server to a stuffter one and then advertise another. hell, he even posted that in the “worst blockland server you've joined”.

I'd still think tezuni banning queeba is completely justifiable.

The douchebag himself also blacklisted me for disliking his stuffty prison escape server, not my fault that its same piece of stuff prison every time.

you stuff talked the host then are surprised you're banned?

do you have any alts so I can black list them aswell

Like seriously you did us a favor by making this drama. Had no idea you were this handicapped

Frankly, I'm not surprised he would pull something like this. Tezuni is a known starfish, judging by his previous posts over the years, not to mention a poor host, considering his staff.

And by looking by this thread, it seems that he doesn't take critisim well. If somebody called my server an "Iban Copy" I would definitely put more work into and make it better, and do something, rather than blacklisting the random individual who puts his jimmies in a twist.

richard move Tezuni. richard move.


And by looking by this thread, it seems that he doesn't take critisim well. If somebody called my server an "Iban Copy" I would definitely put more work into and make it better, and do something, rather than blacklisting the random individual who puts his jimmies in a twist.
Lmfao except the OP didn't provide criticism he just blatantly bashed it. If he had said "well i don't like tezs city rp but here's how he could improve it" that would be criticism
What the OP is doing rn is whining about a deserved ban lol

To be honest, I don't what sides to take. for one banning him on all tezuni's servers is too much, but then again your were talking stuff about his servers. So, I'm taking the latter.

To be honest, I don't know what sides to take. for one banning him on all tezuni's servers is too much, but then again your were talking stuff about his servers. So, I'm going with the latter.

Lmfao except the OP didn't provide criticism he just blatantly bashed it. If he had said "well i don't like tezs city rp but here's how he could improve it" that would be criticism
What the OP is doing rn is whining about a deserved ban lol

You'd know wouldn't you. Let's all turn our ears to the child enthusiast, why don't we? Cuz he obviously knows how stuff goes down when it gets flipped up in the air.

Seriously, now. Yeah, sure, maybe Queeba may have needed to word it better, but it still doesn't change the fact that Tezuni's acting like a complete cunt.

nickpb proves a good point, he didn't give constructive criticism to the server and basically insulted it for being an iban edit (and advers
the server is an iban edit, yes, but that doesn't mean it should be burned down and shamed upon. this one actually has work put into it and isn't stuff like the other iban crpg edits (see: servo2's cityrpg)
however it shouldn't have been a blacklist, that's a bit too far :|

You'd know wouldn't you. Let's all turn our ears to the child enthusiast, why don't we? Cuz he obviously knows how stuff goes down when it gets flipped up in the air.
What? Take a second and rethink this post and then maybe edit it so it makes some actual sense lmfao

nickpb proves a good point, he didn't give constructive criticism to the server and basically insulted it for being an iban edit (and advers
the server is an iban edit, yes, but that doesn't mean it should be burned down and shamed upon. this one actually has work put into it and isn't stuff like the other iban crpg edits (see: servo2's cityrpg)
however it shouldn't have been a blacklist, that's a bit too far :|
Exactly. What the OP did was aggressively bash a server then play the victim card when he finds out the host doesn't want someone who insults his work. What about that is hard to understand

Also queeba didn't make ANY effort to just apologize to tezuni instead of jumping the gun to make this drama. Because I PROMISE you if he had come to me and explained it I would of unblacklisted. Now obviously that isn't going to happen

If you know what I mean by a grindfest, I mean servers where you have to do a lot of grinding (eg. mine a lot and do other stuff) in order to accomplish a simple task (like getting a higher education, etc). I don't understand how my post on the thread was just blatant "bashing", I was just stating that the servers in general were boring grindfests and edits of a dumb mod. I said those two servers were promising because they are, and notice how I didn't directly say they were good, but promising, as these servers are still in development at the moment and I haven't actually played them yet as a result of this.
Also, about the amount of effort Tezuni put into the server, I advise you look at the thread for the server. The map itself was abysmal, among other things.
One last thing, even if banning me from the City RP was a little reasonable, you still banned me from ALL the servers you hosted, which is rather wrong in my opinion.

You'd know wouldn't you. Let's all turn our ears to the child enthusiast, why don't we? Cuz he obviously knows how stuff goes down when it gets flipped up in the air.
"I don't have anything to back my reasoning up so I think that mentioning things that are irrelevant will make me win this argument!"

Lmao are you still really trying to say you didn't insult his servers. Are you trying to come off as dense as lord tony or are you well aware that you insulted him and trying to play it off like you're handicapped?

You posted in a thread called "Worst blockland servers you've ever played"
The first word you put in that thread was "tezuni"
You then describe it as a "Dumb grindfest"

Do you really not see the insult here? If you're not even willing to provide any actual constructive criticism(You still have yet to do so btw) and instead just try and lower the servers rep why wouldn't we blacklist you.