Author Topic: A bit of a rant. -Mei the icewore's slave rp-  (Read 8305 times)

Now i know what your thinking. Oh stuff its tsume. Oh look a friend with cancer ( Yeah i know filthy frank reference. Please dont take offensive to this )
But listen to me. I want your thoughts on this and i promise not to be a friend and be oh im offended.
I was on blockland and i was on the sever list and found this

I know blockland is a creative game and you can do whatever you want. but i want to rant here
I know there might not be many kids on the blockland trip anymore. but this stuff doesnt need to be here. Its a slave roleplay.
Some of the rules had a female slot. Which you can get "pregnant" By a male. Im not sure this has to do with the roleplay but this is disgusting ( in my own eyes )
But you guys can go with either side. i just want to discuss this and figure out if im mistaken ( Prob's )
and yes im a bit triggered

Sorry i'll stop with the meme's


this is not a good drama.
also, if you dont like dont go.


this is not a good drama.
also, if you dont like dont go.
Please take a look at this. And i do care about this.

TBH you must be very sensitive to start up a drama only because you got triggered over the subject of slaves

Unless if the users playing are malicious or breaking rules or acting childish, abusing scripts, spamming or such, then there is not much need for this drama at all.


TBH you must be very sensitive to start up a drama only because you got triggered over the subject of slaves

Unless if the users playing are malicious or breaking rules or acting childish, abusing scripts, spamming or such, then there is not much need for this drama at all.

Alright. i'll respect that
But what i dont understand is this "love" part in the the whole roleplay.

But what i dont understand is this "love" part in the the whole roleplay.
The reason is just "It's blockland" pretty much

there have been much worse before tbh

>stuffs on a  slave roleplay server because it exists

The reason is just "It's blockland" pretty much
Well blockland was ment to be a creative game. So i gruess some people just get really creative...
there have been much worse before tbh
>stuffs on a  slave roleplay server because it exists
You or i

Why are you whining over loving RP
Unless if the users playing are malicious or breaking rules or acting childish, abusing scripts, spamming or such, then there is not much need for this drama at all.
basically this

How loving sensitive are you

Dog love RP, rape rps, etc
Ah i see
How loving sensitive are you
Im not that sensitive. I just want to talk about this
Why are you whining over loving RPbasically this
Im not whining

Im not that sensitive. I just want to talk about this
Im not whining

You say that yet you decided to make a drama about a server name

Good job 10/10

a drama
about a server name.