Author Topic: Why isnt this game dead yet?  (Read 8163 times)

a good sandbox game can last a very long time

The better question is: Why should this game be death?

Seriously, I know smaller communities for even more obscure and older games that still get revived some times.
Like Hoverrace. The game is from 1995, the peak of its existence had no more than 100 players on peak days, and it still got an update in 2016 and even a tournament scheduled in 2017.

A game isn't death as long as people are playing it.
And people play a game as long as it is interesting and fun.

Blockland thriving on community made content means that it will stay interesting and fun until the last addon maker stops.

Blockland could easily go on for an other 20 years if we want.

This whole "THIS GAME IS DEAD!" is just BS tbh. So many people even came as far as to say Minecraft was gonna die in 2014. Well guess what, it's still alive and STILL going strong! Blockland has been around for 12 years, and a lot of people still play it.

So who knows.

A game isn't death as long as people are playing it.
And people play a game as long as it is interesting and fun.
Tell that to this dumbass.

and a lot of people still play it.


that's a lie

The forums generally always been more active than the game and just watching this specific forum section (General Discussion) you can see that there are threads on the first page that haven't had a post since the day before yesterday, this was not the case back in the day. Back then the whole 1st page was filled with threads that been posted in that same day. I think the forums is an accurate way to measure the actual activity in blockland, even though many of you may say that with the greenlight we've gotten a huge boost. Not many people stay after their first playthrough.

And don't get me started on the Gallery which is dead for reals with max 5 new threads a week. Blockland the game where you build stuff pls. Here Off Topic reigns supreme. Get some real friends you wankers and start playing the game instead of using it as a glorified chatroom.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 08:25:37 AM by Ladle »

With what the game offers, I'm surprised the game isn't more popular. No other game offers this level of customization or creativity.

The only issue is the effort curve and outdated engine.

When a new player joins there isn't much there in terms of easily accessible "fun", that's why they spawn vehicles all the time. Maps were a good way to pad the effort curve, but now there aren't many ways for inexperienced players to jump in.

You are right.

I was sincerely embarrassed when I watched a swedish review of bl on youtube where he constantly said "this game can't be done". He liked some parts about the game but he was so surprised that there was so much lacking in the engine and nothing fun to do.

Like, he played Rampage and thought it was kinda cool but tedious in the long run. He played Speedkart but thought it was boring and with bad physics. He played Ninja challenge and got pretty much nowhere because it is based on abusing the engine. He played the Xmas one and didn't understand a stuff.

It's an awesome sandbox game, but there's a lot of sandbox games out there. This one has nothing to attract the masses, at least not on the first playthrough. The reason people was drawn to minecraft at their first playthrough was the fact that you could explore to infinity. The sandbox-esque feature is what made them stay.

No other game offers this level of customization or creativity.
Roblox actually has a lot of freedom in terms of what you can do, yeah it uses LUA, but if we're talking about levels of customization and creativity in sandbox games in general, Roblox is definitely above Blockland

For example, Life of an Otaku is graphically impressive considering what Roblox looks like normally, and it doesn't need third-party shader mods, so everyone can see it as it is, then there's Purple Skittles which completely changes the game into a goofy top-down RPG where you fight via air-hockey

I got tired of Roblox, but it does amaze me to see just what kind of things people are capable of doing in that game


It's Lua, not LUA!

I get what you're saying. But keep in mind, players(like myself) tend to play for a bit, leave for a bit, then come back and repeat. There are times when the game is "dying" but then it just comes back to life again. So I don't really see an end point to this game any time soon. Also, we have Blockland forums, which is awesome, because now we have more access to add-ons, new minigame announcements, etc.

wait whats wrong with Lua is it just bad because its old or what

wait whats wrong with Lua is it just bad because its old or what
No one said anything bad about it?

another one for the books
To be fair he didn't say it was dead. In fact he implied the opposite

He was correcting me, i said "LUA", but it's actually 'Lua', because it's not an acronym, i think