Author Topic: Buzzwaker!  (Read 86065 times)

the good bump

Buzz, when people say you're overthreading, they're not lying. Even two threads a day becomes a lot.
By personal experience from being on various forums for almost 6 years, I've learnt a lot harshly. (Mostly from BLF)
If a community tells you to stop, you aren't obligated to do it, but it's request that benefits you more than it benefits them. How forums work is just like a community, we share similar things but others can influence people the wrong way.

I know this sounds out of character and just a pinch of cringe in it, please listen to others and what they ask you to do, rather than denying it and flaming it out of it. Sure jokes work sometimes, just not in the wrong time or over excessively.

That isn't really cringe-worthy, but rather good advise.

That isn't really cringe-worthy, but rather good advise.

was it suppost to be cringe worthy?

was it suppost to be cringe worthy?
He said himself it was. It was more reassurance.

was it suppost to be cringe worthy?
I went out of character on that.

I'm sorry what

i believe he's calling buzzwaker something along the lines of an uncle tom. just an easy way to dismiss the opinions of someone who has the same shade of skin

why is this fight central again