Author Topic: Nix the Glacion: supreme furrfriend, complete moron  (Read 29020 times)





so. Many of you have noticed this user around the last few months, with him being drama'd along with many others in the "night discussion topic" drama by eon( and he hasn't stopped there.
I'm not going to make a huge compilation of posts because there are so many I would hit the post size limit. His antics have recently gotten worse and worse, cumulating today with some of these posts:
oh wow rockinboy made a sockpuppet account just so he can be a cunt because "lel fURRY!!!"
seriously, do you bigots have nothing better to do with your lives than throw stuff at someone because they're furries?
loving QUIT IT.
you aren't loving funny, you're just throwing stuff at someone for no reason because some stuffposting bastard decided to say "lol furry friend"
let me just say this:
lane has been loveually frustrated for atleast half a year by now when he found out that i ERP'd with someone else. when i showed him the chatlog, he literally became the dead sea on feet.
he needs to get over it he isn't getting any puss-puss over the internet
this is why i was suicidal when i was young. because of bigoted cunts like you.
well, if you want me to actually act serious about this, then, here we go.
Eon, untie your loving panties and realize something. Just because a couple people decide to make a couple pointless, albeit harmless posts on an internet forum, doesn't mean you have the right to do this kind of stuff. You appear to just be overly mad because 3 people aren't "discussing". Well, why haven't you been like that for the last 700 pages? And why of all people are you yelling at Seth of all people? If you were to open your eyes, you would realize that he was trying to STOP all this from happening, even resorting to locking the thread, and you're like "no he fuel de fire!1"
ya happy?

This is just the tip of the iceburg. This guy is honestly the worst user on the BLF and needs to leave and never come back


problem user with his constant dramas and his sickening, yet fascinating case study.

*ding ding ding* get em outta here

I have reached the conclusion that Nix the Glaceon is infact homoloveual.

may our love child rest in peace...

aw i missed the spergout

RIP Nix The Glaceon.

I would probably Support this since you guys are (sort of) right, plus I don't want to be a richard to him since he's my friend.

i still cant loving understand if the stuff he said was satire or not

reminder that nix was shaming other people for their loveuality in a completely different thread

add maxwell because he's literally the only gay person on the forums

well other than solaria but we don't speak its name

Honestly you guys were all acting like starfishs in the thread but yeah I'll have to agree he needs to learn how to not take the bait all the time

so I kinda support it, but not entirely
