Author Topic: dumb stuff you did as a kid: the thread  (Read 4619 times)

i don't have many embarrasing kid stories but you guys probably do

So, one time when i was little. I was super into God Of War for PS2 and little me decided it'd be fun to jump off my trampoline with a wiffle bat in my mouth (There was an attack were kratos would hold a sword and his wouth and jump down onto and enemy), i did this and it hit the back of my mouth, cutting my uvula and making me bleed like hell. i was in the hospital for hours.

I healed up and everything's been fine since.

little me decided it'd be fun to jump off my trampoline with a wiffle bat in my mouth
what the forget is a wiffle bat

what the forget is a wiffle bat
it's what you hit wiffle balls with

it's what you hit wiffle balls with
what the forget is a wiffle ball
me no speak americano

i jumped onto a glass table when i was 2 or 3 and i put my left pinky finger in the cogs of a coffee grinder when i was 4 and its scarred. they couldnt stitch it because its was in a zigzag

i drank a soda can full of ciggie ash because i was thirsty.
tastes like you expect it would, charcoal.

when I was about 12, I was in school and I had to retrieve a football that fell in a patch of dense grass on the field. when I went to pick up the football, a sandspur fell into my sock and it hurt so I took my shoe and sock off and threw it on the ground.
then I stepped directly onto a patch of sandspurs and destroyed the soles of my feet.

chewed on my shirt a lot

i think i used to put rocks under specifically ups trucks and nothing else because i had some vendetta against them when i was like 4 or 5

when i was like 1 i jumped off a table and slammed my loving head into the top corner of a metal chair
i almost got stitches and i still have the scar