Author Topic: What phone do you have?  (Read 7474 times)

Aw, that sucks. Do you plan on getting it fixed soon or are you just gonna replace it?
probably replacing it considering the things like 60 dollars

Samsung Galaxy S5

Put in a 128 gig micro sd card and you have the best movie/music/emulator machine in your hands

Samsung Galaxy S5

Put in a 128 gig micro sd card and you have the best movie/music/emulator machine in your hands
Hahaha that sounds awesome

Samsung Galaxy S5

Put in a 128 gig micro sd card and you have the best movie/music/emulator machine in your hands
S5? Wowe old

Samsung Galaxy S5

Put in a 128 gig micro sd card and you have the best movie/music/emulator machine in your hands

>128 gb

Lucky forget... I wish I invested into a card that huge. I'm at 5 gb left of my originally 64 gb card.

On-topic: Galaxy S7. The phone is big enough for me, I wouldn't do well with a much smaller phone imho. Plus I have a Gear S2 which my mom gave to me. She didn't like it and gave it to me since I'm the IT dude of the family. I have to say, I never use watches often, but this I wear practically everyday.

>128 gb

Lucky forget... I wish I invested into a card that huge. I'm at 5 gb left of my originally 64 gb card.

Dude you have the S7, you could probably get one of those 256 gig micro sd cards! That's TWICE the size of mine!

Lmao my phone is like a 4th of the S7's price, and it supports up to 256gb micro SD as well

iPhone 4. It's quite durable if you ask me, dropped it a lot of times and hasn't made a major scratch or dent yet. Downside is ofc it's a slow as forget phone.

iPhone 4. It's quite durable if you ask me, dropped it a lot of times and hasn't made a major scratch or dent yet. Downside is ofc it's a slow as forget phone.
Kek, yeah the older iphones don't perform the best

Axon 7. Best phone for the price.

Axon 7. Best phone for the price.
I've heard about this phone, I hope you're liking it!

i have an iphone 5c cause the only thing i use my phone for is texting/music and i wanted pretty imessage ui
i actually hate apple tho, im just an aesthetic sell out

i actually hate apple tho, im just an aesthetic sell out

I'm still mad at Apple for discontinuing the iPod