
Vote for which mods will be released next: https://vote.block.land/?action=viewPoll&poll=60


Author Topic: Boss Battles Mods - Pet shop released! (Voting round 2, please vote again)  (Read 10269 times)

tl;dr: I'm going to rewrite some Boss Battles content into releasable mods. Vote here to tell me which one you want the most first.

Hi. I'm sure you're all aware that by now Boss Battles is really old. It's been running for almost five years straight. The only break in that streak was midway in it's first year when the shadows and shaders update forced us to build a map and caused a two month hiatus. What I'm not sure many of you remember, is that I've consistently promised to release Boss Battles' content when the server finally shuts down. Sadly, that date does appear to be getting rather tangible at this point; and I fully intend to stand with my promise to release all content when the day comes. However;

It would be pretty unceremonious if I were to just dump all the raw content at once and be done with it. Virtually all the content for Boss Battles is structurally intertwined such that they aren't very usable on their own without modification. So here is my plan. Given the current state of donations, Boss Battles can run until approximately mid June of this year (although I'm hoping to stretch to November 4th to do a 'end of the game' event thing on the anniversary of the server) . Over the next few months I want to revisit a number of mods that were developed for Boss Battles, but could potentially be made to be releasable and used in other servers. These reworks will take time, so I'd like everyone to tell me what things they want to see made into releasable mods the most and I'll work on those ones first. I'll publicly release each finished mod as they are finished.

Please vote here to choose which mod you want to see released first: https://vote.block.land/?action=viewPoll&poll=60

I'd just like to remind you that these releases won't just be arbitrary. You need to remember that all of these mods were initially made just for use in Boss Battles, and as such need reworking to be usable as a standalone mod. Don't bitch at me about not just 'releasing everything', because in their current state literally nothing is actually releasable. The things in the poll also certainly isn't an exhaustive list of things that will be able to be reworked, just the things I kinda want to start on first. More options will appear in the poll later as things are finished.

Feel free to ask questions about what other mods might be able to be reworked beyond this list and/or discuss the mods in general.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 10:57:35 PM by Pecon »

I don't really see myself using any of those lol, not that they aren't cool.

Would vote for gold wrench if i played from this network


can we hug on the last day of BB

Voted in favor of Scientist items. I'm fairly certain someone could end up using all of the pieces, or just parts depending on their server between another welder item, a trap and a couple guns. Would seem like one of the biggest packages someone could do something with. Golden Wrench was a close second imo, unsure which would have more use. Decker and Kaje are right behind those two as well.

Is a release of Mocheeze possible, or was that made by someone else? I know you've said in the past that you'd release the stuff you made, but stuff made by Aware, Jetz, etc would be up to them to release it.

As much as having the mods would be neat, I really, really don't want to see this server go. I'm sure I can throw in a month or two's worth of donation money tonight or tomorrow if you're interested in stalling the closure a little longer.

Voted in favor of Scientist items. I'm fairly certain someone could end up using all of the pieces, or just parts depending on their server between another welder item, a trap and a couple guns. Would seem like one of the biggest packages someone could do something with. Golden Wrench was a close second imo

Is a release of Mocheeze possible, or was that made by someone else? I know you've said in the past that you'd release the stuff you made, but stuff made by Aware, Jetz, etc would be up to them to release it.

I have Jetz and Aware on board for releases right now. Still need to ask Carbon Zypher (vortexian, sirica), The Corporation (thundershock model), and Starzy (Mocheeze model). When I have them on board I'll put their stuff in the next round of polling. If I can't get The Corporation on board I'll probably have to keep the thundershock off the Scientist release despite my already showing it as part of that.

As much as having the mods would be neat, I really, really don't want to see this server go. I'm sure I can throw in a month or two's worth of donation money tonight or tomorrow if you're interested in stalling the closure a little longer.

Pecon did mention wanting to get back to Nov.4th for a finale, so I don't see a reason as to why you couldn't donate. I put this at the top because I might've gotten a little carried away with the rest of the post.

Ah, none of us really want to see it go. Many a good time were had, though in those times more recent, server's been entirely empty. At least when I've checked on it, but people have life to deal with unfortunately. Still, it's a shame.

For me, I am more than thankful for the server existing. It brought me experience and into contact with many people, furthering more experiences for me down the line. I've basically grown up with the server. Sad to see it go(or rather, notice that it'll be leaving us soon), but I still have things to remember it by and friends I've made there. I couldn't ask more of something or someone than having a good impact on my life, cheers.

You're actually planning on stopping the hosting of Boss Battles?

That's the last type of news I've expected from you.

You're actually planning on stopping the hosting of Boss Battles?

That's the last type of news I've expected from you.
If I am correct the server basically runs off of donations. If those donations run out the server stops hosting unless Pecon uses their own money to keep hosting.

If anything, the mail mod would be a very good one to release first