

57 (45.2%)
anti sjw
13 (10.3%)
56 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 126

Author Topic: who are worse, sjws or anti sjws  (Read 12399 times)

« Last Edit: May 07, 2017, 10:49:05 PM by Metalliku »

the ppl who go for moral high ground by calling x group a circlejerk every time this argument goes out

the people who go "lol I'm neither of those they're both stupid" and then express political opinions

anti SJWs are a little cringey and often neckbeard-y, but I've never been accosted by an SJW angry that I made an off-color joke soooo

both are/have toxic communities that literally only make people's lives worse

the people who go "lol I'm neither of those they're both stupid" and then express political opinions
whot u mean

whot u mean


the people who think "lol I'm neither of those groups they both suck" and that's their only defining political opinion

depends on how extreme they are.

there's this one autistic kid in my class that will constantly try to anti-sjw every topic, regardless of whether or not it even has anything to do with sjws.

i spend most of my time in an SJW school in an SJW state and everyone's pretty nice to each other and respectful of opinions until antifa shows up

yeah i'd say it all depends on the magnitude of handicapation from either side really

never honestly met either of them and i'm sure most examples i've seen online were cherrypicked, but id have to say the latter just due to my political views being slightly closer to sjws---though both groups are stuffstains

both insufferable. it's possible to have political opinions and not be an abrasive piece of stuff

both insufferable. it's possible to have political opinions and not be an abrasive piece of stuff
Summed it up perfectly.

keep in mind that one of these is an insult designed to attack people who are trying to promote social equality (yes i know there are people that take it too far, stfu there are people that take any sort of activism too far stop tryna invalidate stuff u dont like)

and the other is a term used to label people who make fun of people who are trying to promote social equality

i loving dunno u choose

double post

like i get that some people can be obnoxious and in your face about social justice issues but still that's like saying that people who protest are stuffty bc some of them riot

if you actively go out of your way to try and insult someone whos just trying to promote social equality, to me thats far stufftier than being obnoxious

similar to phantos, all the people I've met who fit the anti-SJW bill (minus one handicapped one) are normal people who almost never bring up their political opinion unless it's relevant, even the one guy I know who writes for Breitbart

meanwhile nearly all the SJWs I've met have been extremely rude in political discussion and the more extreme ones like to bring race into a lot of places where it doesn't belong

I'm not going to apply my experience to the entire world, though

depends on how extreme they are.

there's this one autistic kid in my class that will constantly try to anti-sjw every topic, regardless of whether or not it even has anything to do with sjws.

i spend most of my time in an SJW school in an SJW state and everyone's pretty nice to each other and respectful of opinions until antifa shows up

I've lived in both, I've seen both,
I've seen the centrists, the extreme left, the extreme right, the SJWs, the Anti-SJWs.

Although at Times I seem extreme, and very clearly Anti-SJW, it's because I am, but because the passion of it goes past the point of
common sense and sometimes makes leaps and bounds past logic and reason.

Though usually I'm in the right, or just butting heads, but in other cases I have taken it too far.

I see this and I try to back off, but by that point I'm already known as "the living embodiment of /Pol/" by those around me and on the forums.

But that has to do with the fact that at one time, about 5-6 years ago, I was an SJW and I lived in a very Anti-SJW area, I felt justified in my beliefs
because the only world I'd ever known was an isolated and controlled environment of a school and community I refused to interact with due to previous
interactions. This locked me into my Social Justice beliefs until I made it to High School, and I finally interacted with a larger community, and I came to see
that Demons you know and the Demons you made are Demons just the same. For a while I was centrist and didn't hold values much one way or the other,
and even now my values are certainly close to the center, but just offset enough to be Conservative Libertarian. These values eventually lead to me going down an
option of two paths, and one day I started seeing two worlds, two worlds that just couldn't both be true, and one showed evidence and facts and people who had made errors,
and the other showed fear and them grasping at sand with an iron fist behind a smokescreen of mixed facts and feelings. At this point I took a hard turn Right, Far Right.

And once again I became the very thing I had despised most, because I hadn't taken a key characteristic of myself and brought it under scrutiny. The main problem that SJWs have is sometimes the Same problem Anti-SJWs have, emotions reigning over logical jurisdiction within your own body and mind. Meaning that I had made my decision, not just because the facts lead me there, but because I resented the SJWs I'd once been a part of, that actually turned against me when I started to stray.

Eventually I abandoned extremes like PJW, Humble Water Filter Merchant, and MILO (Although I still watch him for comedic value, his statistics aren't always on point.)

Following a more indepth pattern like Chris Ray Gun, and Sargon of Akkad, who are actually self-proclaimed Classical Liberals, and taking conflicting views head on to challenge my own perspectives have helped somewhat, but I'll never be able to put aside these conflicting SJW Thoughts that have been instilled in me since early childhood, and the Anti-SJW thoughts I rammed into my head for the past 3 years like Asinine propaganda.