Author Topic: Unpopular Opinions v5  (Read 28865 times)

Pineapple on pizza is delicious, but imo it can't *just* be pineapple and cheese.

I'm still salty about Badspot marginalizing all the spam topics to Forum Games.  That stuff belonged in OT.

This community has become a lot less intellectual or even mindful of interesting topics.

Today's brand of Republicanism is loving garbage compared to 20 years ago.  It used to be fairly logical, but now it's primarily just mean and anti-intellectual.

The Democratic party has shipped so much for Hillary that I'd prefer the current leadership be driven out of the country, a new committee put in place, and a charter drawn up to prevent the kind of bullstuff they caused in the last election from ever happening again.

Europe is going to collapse in on itself due to economic reasons, not cultural ones.

America is going to collapse in on itself due to cultural reasons, not economic ones.

No Man's Sky is a good game

i honestly find disgust in anyone who liked the starwars prequels

i do not agree with transgenderism
i do not agree with the gay syndrome
i do not agree with happiness
i do not agree with feelings
i do not agree with relationships
i do agree with shocking the gay outta people
i do agree with pineapple on pizza
i do agree with the holocaust never happened but we need another one
i do agree with nanking never happened but we need another one
i do agree with conservatism

age: 14

makes sense

i dont like pokemon sun/moon like i thought i would

open-world games are overrated. that's not say that they're bad, but a lot of games get a pass on quality because they're so big.  i don't want a watered down, 50 hour experience if the same thing could be condensed into a succinct and interesting 10 hour game.

Pink Floyd loving sucks!

open-world games are overrated. that's not say that they're bad, but a lot of games get a pass on quality because they're so big.  i don't want a watered down, 50 hour experience if the same thing could be condensed into a succinct and interesting 10 hour game.
I mean I won't disagree with your viewpoint at all because it's a fair point, but as the consumer, you do have control over what you buy here.

Pink Floyd loving sucks!

very unpopular

this forum is dying

[im g width=900][/img]
I told you to shut up, but you didn't listen

b r o w n  b r i c k s

no dark skin woman is loveually appealing at all

I hate you
I hate this stupid thread
I hate fidget spinners
I hate african american gangster wannabes
I hate commericals that use the airhorn sound effect or any other 2012 meme

traps are gay
c7 corvette looks like a tacky hotwheels car
girls with cut muscles are hot

God is real and I'm him