Author Topic: Unpopular Opinions v5  (Read 28871 times)

girls with cut muscles are hot
honestly when it comes to girls, the more they look like they could beat me up, the more into it I am

the more they look like they could beat me up, the more into it I am

Is this the appropriate time for a rape joke

Is this the appropriate time for a rape joke

rape is nothing to joke about

roblox is better than blockland

Banana pizza sounds kind of good
I think fedoras are fashionable if they match the outfit (and not worn by cringe obese/malnourished neckbeards)
The "succ / thicc" and anything else ending in "cc" when it should end in a "ck," "k," etc. isn't a funny meme and never has been.

i do not agree with happiness
i do not agree with feelings
i do not agree with relationships


jerma's tf2 videos are inferior to his other content

i do agree with the holocaust never happened but we need another one
i do agree with nanking never happened but we need another one
you're, like, an idiot,
jerma's tf2 videos are inferior to his other content
i hate to admit that i agree with this

Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are both not as good as people say they are.

Non calculator maths is satan

Shadow the Hedgehog was the best Sonic game.

Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are both not as good as people say they are.
majoras mask is better than ocarina of time this is a fact

The "succ / thicc" and anything else ending in "cc" when it should end in a "ck," "k," etc. isn't a funny meme and never has been.
fucc off u cucc

majoras mask is better than ocarina of time this is a fact
I still hate both of them.