Author Topic: Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)  (Read 241061 times)

aa pomps is so good but why do all these models have eye-only faces :( i want to see default blocko face on one of these maybe

I guess I'll dump my old Blockland rip-off assets here.


these are still perfect tbh

The problem about Squideey's design is that it's close enough for LEGO to sue, well Badspot had to change the Blockhead on the Beta days because of that.

The problem about Squideey's design is that it's close enough for LEGO to sue, well Badspot had to change the Blockhead on the Beta days because of that.
true, one can dream

i care less about graphics and more about unique content, performance, and multiplayer support.

modelling some brown townogues to the traditional blockhead avatar options

I've run into a problem, and that's how the arms look when they're skin-colored:

does it look alright, and if it doesn't, suggestions?
Actually, I think that's perfect! It's exactly what I'm going for, and has that toy-aesthetic.

Do y'all think there should be multiple types of avatars to choose from (i.e. various toys like Pompmaker's design, army men, etc.), or just one that the game center's around?

one default, rest can be addons?? if thats even possible with unity

in the case you cant, id say one playertype only, cause 1) consistency is better and 2) effort in making other models work would prob be better used to polish the main one

yeah one default player type is best imo

i honestly hate how it just looks like a freaking robot but that might just be me

very few of these player models are good imo
they all feel overly complex

Pomp's is best, looks really good and isn't just a changed Blockhead like most.

One model only, don't want to divide up the players and helps with consistency as others have said. It'd look really weird if you saw like 4-5 different types of players in a game.

One model only, don't want to divide up the players and helps with consistency as others have said. It'd look really weird if you saw like 4-5 different types of players in a game.

Like this garbage

i honestly hate how it just looks like a freaking robot but that might just be me
agreed. It looks amazing, just for preference it looks like a blockhead mecha

aa pomps is so good but why do all these models have eye-only faces :( i want to see default blocko face on one of these maybe

also pic above's face looks off to me