Author Topic: Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)  (Read 240793 times)


New Video
Ended up posting a new video update with commentary. The vid recaps what happened since the last update video, and goes over recent progress as well such as regarding the brick grid system (and briefly talks about brick creation). You can skip to 6:11 in the video for the new stuff:

The octree script (which is the core of the building system) is close to being finished! I still have to take into account when bricks are rotated or deleted, but most of the functionality is finished and working.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 09:49:07 PM by [GSF]Ghost »

he made octagoon trees gro big

Is the character left handed?

Is the character left handed?
Well he's technically ambidextrous; you can control either hand.

Also, on Discord we are talking about potentially having weekly contests - i.e. Blockland build contests, design competitions for the game (such as brick designs), etc. Winners will be featured on the server / here in the topic, and can win other prizes like Steam games, concept art for the project, etc. If anyone has any other ideas regarding it let me know! Should be fun.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2018, 03:02:02 PM by [GSF]Ghost »

Update: 3/3/2018

New bricks

- New bricks have been added! With a few more on the way; thanks to Flairieve for the original models.

Design Contest
- A design contest has started, which lasts from today until next Saturday (March 10th) at 6pm UTC time. The contest is for all members of the Discord server, and is for designs for the new building tools that will be used by the player in-game. The winning design will be chosen later that day, and the winner will be given any of various Half Life 2 content or Portal 2 game on Steam (or their choice of any Steam game for under $5), a custom graphic and will have their design displayed on Discord / this topic.

Brick Grid & Octree Structure
- The brick grid / octree system (which handles how bricks are planted / connect to each other) are now fully functional, and working great.

Plant Errors w/ Video

- Since the brick grid is now fully working, various brick errors (similar to Blockland) have been implemented. These errors / condition checks will prevent bricks from being planted if they are floating (not connected to another brick), buried under the ground or overlapping another brick.

You still exist!??! This is amazing

You still exist!??! This is amazing
Yes, he still exists as a being on this material plane.

i like how this is shaping up

Yes, he still exists as a being on this material plane.
Consider this: a being within the blockland community, actively, notably, and recently. : )

You still exist!??! This is amazing
i like how this is shaping up
Thanks guys, the progress we've made lately has really been exciting.

And yes I still exist, lol. Kinda... 0_o

Don't mind Ghost. He just phases in and out of reality when he needs to go get a 4D mcdouble or 5D cubical sandwich.

Ghost could i ask a unity-related question? Do you work in C#? if not dont answer the below question

I'm trying to load a model into my game. I created a MeshFilter and meshCollider and i want to set the meshCollider's sharedmesh to an .obj file i have in my resources folder. I did this:

MeshCollider col = cube.AddComponent<MeshCollider> ();
col.sharedMesh = Resources.Load("cube.obj") as Mesh;

The objects show up in game. however, when i check the scene object and look at its mesh collider, the mesh field says None (Mesh). this is making it impossible for me to fire raycasts on anything. Do you know how to solve this issue? or maybe you have an example on how you instantiate models into the game, with all the components a default primitive would have, such as a meshfilter, meshrenderer, meshcollider, with all the values you need for each
« Last Edit: March 04, 2018, 01:49:47 PM by PhantOS »