Author Topic: Block Party (Terrain Ex. Pg.124 - 2Million Blocks)  (Read 241297 times)

I think the player model looks a bit chubby, maybe make it a bit thinner.

I think the player model looks a bit chubby, maybe make it a bit thinner.

That is already a loving major ass improvement over pomp's

the arms are ok, just the legs bother me. try possibly making them fit in the hole in the blockhead shoes?

Also suggestion

Make all of the post processing effects available to enable / disable in the settings along with their intensities, like bloom, motion blur, chromatic aberration, game viginette, color filter, etc

I am more excited for this than any other game right now.

i'm just gonna break that chain before it starts

Concerning the PC survey, I suggest you make another that actually asks about PC specs, including whether your regular computer is a laptop or desktop, GPU model, CPU model and clock speed, as well as the age of the computer. You could make the survey open answer, which would make answers more difficult to sort, or you could just add more questions for each category.

For example:

Who is the manufacturer of your GPU?
  • AMD

What model is your GPU?
  • GTX 600 series
  • GTX 700 series
  • GTX 900 series
  • GTX 1000 series
  • GTX Notebook GPU (800m, 900m, MX100 series, etc.)
  • Go on to list AMD GPUs released in the last 6 years or so
  • Integrated CPU Graphics

All of the NVIDIA series' I listed were released within the last 6 years. Obviously this kind of survey would take longer to set up, but it could give more detailed data than an open answer survey. The main issue I see with framing questions like I did is that each GTX and AMD series of cards has high end and low end cards, so owning a 900 series card doesn't exactly mean you own a strong video card.

THE DEMO WAS RELEASED! find it here:

heres a video of me destroying a music brick wall i made:

this is pretty dissapointing. everything about it is very akward and not very player-friendly. the building is a step back from blocklands, and instead of a simple menu bricks are navigated through key commands (1 2 3 4 5). camera movement has too much sway and look up and down throws your camera to far forward and back. really hope this doesnt represent a final product sorry. didnt notice this was in pre-alp. a functional hud would still be nice to see in the next update
« Last Edit: April 21, 2018, 08:03:07 PM by two and a half limericks »

this is pretty dissapointing. everything about it is very akward and not very player-friendly. the building is a step back from blocklands, and instead of a simple menu bricks are navigated through key commands (1 2 3 4 5). camera movement has too much sway and look up and down throws your camera to far forward and back. really hope this doesnt represent a final product
this is the first public release..?

this is the first public release..?
it doesnt matter, he can still criticize it

it doesnt matter, he can still criticize it
not what i meant handicap
really hope this doesnt represent a final product
This was before the edit