Author Topic: "lmao your all deluded" - Hotremox, when told "child research is bad"  (Read 21127 times)

Neither can lolis feel pain or feel anything. They aren't real. Shoot, video game NPCs are much closer to real people than loli hentai girls are because they actually respond to stimuli based on the player's actions.
What amazing mental gymnastics. "Killing innocents in video games is not murder because it's not real, but liking lolis is child enthusiasm despite the fact that it's not real." When you say this, you are being internally/logically inconsistent and people have every reason to dismiss what you're saying as a bad argument.

Lolicon may not BE child enthusiasm, but it PANDERS to child enthusiasts, plain and simple, If you get turned on by underage children in loveually suggestive situations it IS child enthusiasm AND youre a child enthusiast, and a degenerate at that.

If someone didn't want to shoot another person, why the forget would they be playing depictions of that?
because video games have stories and goals outside of killing people. the goal of a game isn't generally to kill a bunch of people, just a side effect. if you're playing hatred or something, maybe you do have a problem. also your brown townogy here is literally recreational activity vs murdering people when we're talking about jerking it to depictions of drawn children vs depictions of real children. there's... a pretty fundamental difference between being attracted to children and killing a virtual person as an objective in a game.

if someone wants to capture and enslave almost 800 living creatures and then make them battle for amusement in a game does that mean they will do it in real life
you realize that supports his point

you realize that supports his point
im joking dude that supports nothing
what human right now is gonna enslave the population of a small town because they played pokemon

im joking dude that supports nothing
what human right now is gonna enslave the population of a small town because they played pokemon
...that's his point. that video games don't lead to real violence so loli doesn't lead to "real" child enthusiasm.

If someone didn't want to shoot another person, why the forget would they be playing depictions of that?
people don't play violent video games for the sake of simulating actual murder, they play them for the excitement of "winning". completing objectives and seeing some particles. watching numbers go up.
that's why video games don't have realistic gore. there's no fat layers when video game characters get cut open, and there are no realistic death screams, because that's not the point.

loli, however, is 100% intended to represent prepubescent children. it has all the traits of a child. flat tits, no pubes, small proportions, big eyes relative to the rest of the head. that's a kid; there's no arguing that it's not supposed to be that.

where do you draw the line? if anime-style loli isn't creepphilic content, then is a realistically styled drawing of a young child also not creepphilic content?

If lolicon is child enthusiasm because it depicts children

so at this point you're fully admitting it's children getting railed, just not in real life. the whole draw of loli is that it's underage girls getting forgeted, which is child enthusiasm. it's drawn sure, but it's still child enthusiasm. you'd have to be a creep to be attracted to it. literally no normal person is attracted to loli, it's only creeps

I think the problem we're really running into here is our presuppositions. Most of your arguments all start with the presupposition that loli is child enthusiasm/child research and that the people who watch it supposedly want to have love with children, which I reject entirely. Lolicon is not child research for the same principle a bicyclist is not a motorist. Just because A looks similar to B does not mean A = B.

Lol what the forget? You don't seek out and jack off to cartoon children for any reason other than you are loveually attracted to children, and nobody is watching cartoon child research for some kind of ethical moral high ground reason either. That's just delusion.

If lolicon is child enthusiasm because it depicts children, then why aren't FPS games murder despite the fact thay the players willingly depict themselves murdering others in the game?

Can you quit straw-manning the term child enthusiast and argue like a normal, functioning human being? A child enthusiast is somebody who is loveually attracted to children. If you watch child research you are a child enthusiast. You might not be a child molester, but you are a child enthusiast. If you watch cartoon child research because you are loveually attracted to children, you are a child enthusiast. A murderer is somebody who has murdered another human being. On what planet are these even remotely comparative?

What amazing mental gymnastics. "Killing innocents in video games is not murder because it's not real, but liking lolis is child enthusiasm despite the fact that it's not real." When you say this, you are being internally/logically inconsistent and people have every reason to dismiss what you're saying as a bad argument.

Because nobody is buying first person shooters because they get off on the idea of murdering people you deluded mongoloid. FPShooters at their best are conveying to you an interesting narrative with characters, putting you in the shoes of good guy who must kill bad guy to save the planet. At their worst, they're fun to play because shooting big guns and making big explosions are a power trip and interesting to the senses. Nobody is jacking off to the sound of people dying in Red Orchestra, and if they are, then they're not going to benefit from a ban on FPS anyway.

Notice how there are no games that allow you to kill children; because the ESRB will give you an automatic AO rating for it. Good luck selling your video game anywhere but adult stores after that.

when the hell did cub research come into this

If you think comparing child enthusiasm and killing people in a videogame is even remotely the same you're handicapped

If lolicon is child enthusiasm because it depicts children, then why aren't FPS games murder because of the fact thay the players willingly depict themselves murdering others in the game?
what are you loving talking about? why are you comparing child research to loving murder, because that is probably that worst comparison I've ever heard. That's like comparing dirt to loving tv

what are you loving talking about? why are you comparing child research to loving murder, because that is probably that worst comparison I've ever heard. That's like comparing dirt to loving tv
the point is probably that engagement with something deviant in entertainment doesn't necessarily translate to even a theoretical desire to pursue those things in reality

Loli and shota are absolute degenerate filth, but I don't think it leads to children forgeters
I think children forgeters seek it out and it caters to them, but I think it's a chicken before the egg situation, where you have sick forgets who draw creep bait attracting creeps, instead of creep bait giving birth to people attracted to it.

None of this matters because at the end of the day if you're into shota/loli you need to either chemically castrate yourself or die