Author Topic: "lmao your all deluded" - Hotremox, when told "child research is bad"  (Read 21124 times)

then why aren't FPS games murder despite the fact thay the players willingly depict themselves murdering others in the game?
the difference is lolicon means you're loveually attracted to digital objects depicting children and games where you can kill digital people (who have no feelings or anything, they cant feel pain, etc) is that one means you're also attracted the the counterpart it's depicting. almost every people who has played csgo or some stuff wouldn't loving kill a dude in real life. think about it.

If lolicon is child enthusiasm because it depicts children, then why aren't FPS games murder despite the fact thay the players willingly depict themselves murdering others in the game?
Well you see child enthusiasm is the attraction to children while murder is the killing of someone. Last I checked people in video games aren't real people so it would not be classified as murder. "But but then loli isn't child enthusiasm!" You need to work on your reading comprehension, child enthusiasm is the attraction to children.

the difference is lolicon means you're loveually attracted to digital objects depicting children and games where you can kill digital people (who have no feelings or anything, they cant feel pain, etc) is that one means you're also attracted the the counterpart it's depicting. almost every people who has played csgo or some stuff wouldn't loving kill a dude in real life. think about it.
Neither can lolis feel pain or feel anything. They aren't real. Shoot, video game NPCs are much closer to real people than loli hentai girls are because they actually respond to stimuli based on the player's actions.

Well you see child enthusiasm is the attraction to children while murder is the killing of someone. Last I checked people in video games aren't real people so it would not be classified as murder. "But but then loli isn't child enthusiasm!" You need to work on your reading comprehension, child enthusiasm is the attraction to children.
What amazing mental gymnastics. "Killing innocents in video games is not murder because it's not real, but liking lolis is child enthusiasm despite the fact that it's not real." When you say this, you are being internally/logically inconsistent and people have every reason to dismiss what you're saying as a bad argument.

Neither can lolis feel pain or feel anything. They aren't real. Shoot, video game NPCs are much closer to real people than loli hentai girls are because they actually respond to stimuli based on the player's actions.
do you shoot and kill lolis? also, how the hell are you comparing an ai thats designed to shoot something at you and make hurt sounds when it gets hit to a real human? lolicon is the depiction of a little girl. drawn in a loveual manor. shooting a 3d model designed to be humanlike isn't wrong, because you're not loveually attracted to it nor would you kill a real human.

Neither can lolis feel pain or feel anything. They aren't real. Shoot, video game NPCs are much closer to real people than loli hentai girls are because they actually respond to stimuli based on the player's actions.
What amazing mental gymnastics. "Killing innocents in video games is not murder because it's not real, but liking lolis is child enthusiasm despite the fact that it's not real." When you say this, you are being internally/logically inconsistent and people have every reason to dismiss what you're saying as a bad argument.

the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Killing people in video games is illegal?

By your logic a little kid playing with action figures would be committing murder if he decided to pretend to have one kill the other

By your logic a little kid playing with action figures would be committing murder if he decided to pretend to have one kill the other
No, that's your logic. Reread my post.

do you shoot and kill lolis? also, how the hell are you comparing an ai thats designed to shoot something at you and make hurt sounds when it gets hit to a real human? lolicon is the depiction of a little girl. drawn in a loveual manor. shooting a 3d model designed to be humanlike isn't wrong, because you're not loveually attracted to it nor would you kill a real human.
Anders Behring Breivik used Modern Warfare 2 as training to kill 77 people in Norway. So, to prevent any more mass shootings, we need to ban all violent video games. Just like how we need to ban lolicon/shotacon, to prevent children from being assaulted.

You should at least follow through with your stupidity. If masturbating to fictional characters in loli drawings can lead to real children being assaulted, then shooting fictional characters in Call of Duty can lead to real people being murdered. Yet I don't see you pulling a Jack Thompson any time soon.


"The slippery slope isnt real but if we allow gays to get married then well start loving animals!"

11/10 would logic again

want to have love with children

no one is loving saying this

but even if they aren't. if someone wasn't loveually attracted to children... why the forget would they be looking at depictions of them?

drawn loli  research is child enthusiasm but still isn't as bad as actual cp
at least that's how i see it

drawn loli  research is child enthusiasm but still isn't as bad as actual cp
at least that's how i see it
I think that's how pretty much everyone who isn't a creep sees it

if someone wasn't loveually attracted to children... why the forget would they be looking at depictions of them?
If someone didn't want to shoot another person, why the forget would they be playing depictions of that?

If someone didn't want to shoot another person, why the forget would they be playing depictions of that?
comparing action movies to child research. brilliant

If someone didn't want to shoot another person, why the forget would they be playing depictions of that?
if someone wants to capture and enslave almost 800 living creatures and then make them battle for amusement in a game does that mean they will do it in real life

also dawes you're a bad.troll